b'WithInternationalBelow:One of themostcolorfulroofsinthe world, Markuskirche, Zagreb, Yugoslavia, where itisclaimedTitoisregular inhisattendance. ConventionDelegates Behind the Lace Below:J.Smith,Langley,London,Limited, explainsfinepointsofnewroofingsystem CurtainforflatandslopingroofstotheAmericans. Directly above: There wasn\'t room for all of the Yugoslav and American roofers around the conferencetab!&.Toppictureshows U.S.Simmons,Fennell,Fowler,Johnson,Crisp,and Gosse,withYugoslavassociationofficersVojnovic,ResandVladimirandbustofTito, T HELACECURTAINsurroundingnousfeltroofing,whichrequiredreplacYugoslavia was easily penetrated by twoinJ: at 3 year intervals- andcothe chagrin dozenrepresentativesoftheAmericaRoftheRuberoidcompaniesoftheU.S., roofing industry who accepted theinvita England,Italy,France andGermanywas tion of Yugoslavia\'sFederalChamberofidentitiedinRussianscriptbytheword Building to view the Communist Ration\'sRuberoid, spelled exactly as the American construction techniques.company originated it in1890. The group, sponsored by the AmericanPrefabrication introduced successfully in Roofer and Building Improvement maga Yugoslavia\'sexpandingshipbuildinginzine, a journal with an international circu dustry,usingtechniquesintroducedby lation,flewfromNewYorktoRome,Hen.ry Kaiser in the early years of W odd where they co9,~1astedth~ ,)llasonry appli WarII-buildinJ:sectionsinshipfitting cationofAn~ tRomanswithItalianshops rather than on the launching waysskillsevidentd .c~ncinuingerectioi;,.is n0t evident in Yugoslavia\'s home buildri the of the new Hilton hotel on top of ahilling industry, possibly because the lack of overlooking the Italian capital.housing is not as acute as in Russia. Thereafter the group encountered ItalianHowever there is a spate of small homeAbove:InscriptioninSwissroofingschool, buildingcraftsmenin every Western ori buildingusingconcreteblocksforwalls"Godblessthehonest tradebetweenheaven entated nation in Europe, particularly evi and clay tile for roofs, traditional materi andearth;"Below:Americanstak@"scary" dentinLuxembourgwheretheentireals.InindustrialconstructionasinthetriparoundguttersofSt.Stephans,Vienna. buildingindustry is manned at dae lowerUnited States,the sloping roof has given levels by icalians.way to the fiat roof because of its speed in SkilledItalianartisanshadnot pene erection and less costly labor. trated the iron or the lace curtains.TheOil refining wilich has zoomed in YugoYugoslavshadtheir own technicians andslavia under the impetus of its present five therewasnodoubtoftheirskillsandyearplan,notedintherecentreport of theirdesire tolearn newtechniques,es the OrganizationforEconomicCooperapecially American.tion covering Europe-has had the effect of Partofthegrouphadmetwiththecreatin~ a surplus of asphalt( the residue U.S.S.R. Ministry of ConstrUction and hadof the refining of petroleum oils)and this witnessedtwoyearsago,prefabricatedin turn hascreated an asphalt roofing inapartment house building in Moscow, haddustrydesignedtoprovidebituminous been impressed with the remarkable speedfeltsforthecoveringof theburgeoning of erection but were critical of the bitumi- flatroofs overnew commercial plants. SEPTEMBER,1962'