b'Midwest RoofingConvention Sessions ProvidedPositiveProof that Positive Failures Originate inDesignErrors, So "WhyDidn\'t YouFuss?" Above: Maggie Goetz, Kansas City architect turns the tables on the roofingcontractors, accusingthem of timidityinnotbringingto the attention of the architect design specifications which they knew wouldultimatelyresultinan expensive failureto oil concerned. audiencenot onlykeepinformedon do- ) W HY DIDN\'Tyou fuss?" was the in For the M.R.C.A. Positive Failure sessionsmesticissuesbutoninternationalprobdignant questionfiredat 200 Mid Morrishadconstructed a"do-it-yourself" westConventiondelegatesbyfiery,elo expansionand contraction test deviceforlems. quentandpersonableMargaretGoetz,checkingthemovementof metalintheHe pointed out that at a recent meeting who like a famous ex-president\'s daughter,shape of a rectangular tube.in Kansas City there were present 5 7 amprefers to be known as Maggie.The "E&A" tester was as long as Paulbassadors of foreign nations, and that the Maggie,aKansasCityarchitect,at wastall.Ithadanopeningatoneendnumberofnationswasgrowinginretachedto the DanR.SanfordCompanythroughwhichalengthofaluminumsponse to nationalist sentiment, especially office, pointed anaccusatory finger at thecould be thrust, a slot to mark and view thein the African area. The count of nations audience of contractors from Kansas, Mis extent of movementandamotor atthein the U. N. had now reached103. It was souri, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Iowa, fol other end.his belief that arms control was bound to lowing a series of slides illustrating posi Toretractthemetaltoitsminimumcome. We muse understand the reality of tive failure in built-uproofing.length, dry ice was loaded in at one end.the world in which we live, the great op TheslidesprovidedpositiveevidenceLater heat was added andin less than anportunitiescharexistdespite thedanger that the positive failures in built-up roof hourthetesterregisteredatotalmove that confront us. ingweretheresult,mainlyofpositivement of ahalf-inch, on a6ft.length ofThe slides shown were described by one design errors. The slidesdefinitely put thematerial.enthusiastic delegate as "out of this world." architects sprinkled through theassemblyThe Midwest sessionsduringthe threeThe contraccors who had applied the roofs inhotseats,whichvisiblyembarrasseddaysof theconventionshowedevidence them.Maggieslippedoffherseatwithof monthsof planning.Roofingcontrac that turnedout,mostly throughnofault ease and turned tables. The metaphors intorsandmanufacturersworkedtogetherof their own, to be horrible examplesof rhis recital are getting mixed, but Maggietakingpicturesof detailsinjobfailures,roof sealing, would much rather have had was by no means mixed.ransackingfilesforcasehistoriesandthemoutofthisworld,insteadofexShe admitted part of the blame shouldphotographs,andengineeringtextswerepensively in the world. be shouldered by rhe architectural profes studiedfor illustrative purposes.Slidesshownillustratedamong sion, but charged contractors with failureThe mass of material was analyzed andothers,crackedroofdecks,prefabrion their part to bring design errors to thethe best portions put on slides. The slidescatedslabdecks,supposedlyflatbut attention of the architects.themselveswerethendividedintothreeresemblingaccordionpleats,pipes Turning tojurisdictional problems shesectionstoillustratepanelpresentations.throughroofdifficulttoflash,sign pointed to the dual responsibility on roofsThe death of Sam Rayburn broughttoerected on rooftop pulling gravel stop where both the roofing contractor and thethe M.R.C.A. Convention platform a key awayfromitsanchorage, ventsbuilt sheetmetalcontractorperformedinter notespeakerwhohadnotbeenpro so close to the wall as to prevent adeelatedfunctions,notingthatsuchdualgrammed, but whose friendship for MRCAquate flashing, impossible fl.ashing der.::sponsibility was also productive of posi Secretary Bob Lyons, had impelled him tosigntoconcreteblockwall,metal tive failures at roof terminations, flashingsstop off to greet the convention delegatesflashingapplied coo lowtOtake care andsimilarareaswheremetalwasusedonhisjourneytoattendtheRayburnofscormbuild-up,through-the-wall as a closure or seal.\\funeral.flashing pulled away from wall, steel Paul Morris, former M.R.C.A. presidentCongressmanJ.Bowlesappearancebeamsrunningthroughroofdeck, stands 6 ft. 6 inches in height. While hebrought the entire assembly to irs feet andfield stone parapet impossible to flash, declares modestly that he isnot an engi tltewasasimilarovationwhenheexpansion joint in the right place but neer, he takes frequent mental and physi beggto be excusedfollowingatwentylevelwiththeroofsurface,cracks cal excursions into the field of engineering.minuteacion in which he asked that his(See next page} 20JANUARY,1962'