b'"OOR JAMIE" A Four Stanza Character Sketch ofthe ARBJC Editor BYDONOLLESHEIMER Did yeniver meet oor Jamie Wi\' the glasses setawry Wi\' the lazy coat and trousers And a sadnessin his eye? He\'s no\' a braw appearin\' laddie, Bue ye ken che warmth inside And the smile ye get from Jamie, Is a pleasure while ye bide. Ach!Ye say, ye\'ve no\' the fortune 0\' a word or cwa wi\' Jim, W eelcam\'I\'llintroduceye. No- I guess he\'s gone agin. W eel,Y e\'ve missed a grand occasion, And one I hold most dear, For havin\'talked wi\' Jamie, Was apleasure most sincere. mid an array of equipment dedicatedKopper\'sSid Katz made sure the Polatorurninghoursofworkintoasmanyroid picrure would fit the word picrure by minutes,Don Ollesheimer won acontestsetting the straw hat awry. involving mind versus matter, when in theDon,interviewedlaterbyJohanna timeKopper\'sprettyphotographerre Gudas,satisfiedhercuriosityatDon\'s corded on Polaroid film,the featuresandknowledge of the authentic Scottish idiom, the "lazy coat" of the Editor of the Ameri bylearningthattheOllesheimerswere can Roofer&Building Improvement Con half-Scottish, and he insistedthat he was tractor, Don had completed a word picturedefinitelynothalf-Scotchatanytime, of "Jamie" McCawley in four stanzas.pointing out that "Scotch" was a beverage. NRCA-CRCACONTRASTSHedemonstrated,usingapint-sizeFRONTCOVERCAPTIONS model of aroofing kettle( which despite (Continued from page 11)itssize costmoretomakethan its giantTOP:N.R.C.A.PastPresidentJ.Boyd counterpart)andcut-awaysectionsofGriffithsinstallshisson,Charles,asthe scripcionoftheWalshcostdata,whichburners,that alargeproportionofboth1962-63 President of the Association. Bewill be studied byC.R.C.A. in the devel AmericanandCanadianrooferspourhind the two are the newlyelectedviceopmentoftheirownestimatingdatamoney down a maintenance sewer by fail presidents. sheets.ing to care for their equipment. The rather interesting aspect of the twoOne of his exhibits was a burner plugCENTER:ProfessorJ.R.Carroll,Uniconventions, the N.R.C.A. in Chicago andwhich had been hacksawed through later versityofIllinois,discussesvaportransthe C.R.C.A. in Calgary, 2000 miles away,ally to show that it was completely blockedmission flanked on the left byJ.Roy Marwas that, although there was no joint pro with carbon.tin and Roy Dose, and on the right by his gram planning, much of the session mate He covered both kerosene fueled kettlescolleague, Professor Brotherton and Calvin rialevidencedthesimilarityofindustryand liquid petroleum-gas kettles. QuestionBowman. problems in the U. S. and Canada.time brought a complaint from a contracBoth had "bull sessions"in whichthetor chat he was having difficulty with LPGBOTTOMLEFT:PastPresidentJohn ac temperatures 35 below zero.Reuter ispresentedwith theJ.A.Piper panelistson the platform werethe targetThat anyone could be putting onroofsAward for distinguished servicetothe inforahostof questions. At the N.R.C.A.atthat temperature amused the audience,dustry by Past President James Boyd Grifsessions, questions, byand large, were onbuttherewereanumberpresentwhofiths. applicationproblems,whereastheCana applied roofs in areas where the temperadians stuck grimly to estimating.tureneverroseabovezero,andwhereBOTTOMRIGHT:RetiringPresident Carl G. Carlson, of Aeroil Products, in blistersneverappearedonroofsbecauseRudy Barnes is presented with an engraved troducedtheonlyapplicationsubjectatche roof surface was as rigid as a steel platecitation attesting to Rudy\'s exemplary stewtheCanadianconvention,thecareandandnointernalpressurescouldraiseaardship during the yearhe held officeas maintenance of mechanized equipment.blister on them.president. 12MARCH,1962'