b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCECOVID-19 DECLARED A NATIONAL EMPHASIS PROGRAM BY OSHAQuite a bit has been happening since my last safety update article so, let me bring you up to date with what has been happening with OSHA. As I sit down to write this article, I want to consider some changes that have been occurring in OSHA. BY Gary AumanAuman, Mahan, & FurryF irst, about six weeks ago, OSHA declaredOSHA may use it to gain entry to COVID-19 a National Emphasis Programyour construction site, your shop, (NEP). This action will focus increasedwarehouse, or your office area. If attention on employers and their COVID-19you are confronted with such a visit under the Pandemic Protection Programs. Not only will thisNEP, which you do not feel is justified, be sure increase the importance of having a Pandemicto contact your counsel before giving OSHA Protection Program, it also draws attention toaccess to you work area. Remember, while such the actions that may be taken by employers inan inspection begins under the NEP, it can be retaliation to employees who file complaintsexpanded if the compliance officer conducting against them. This could also be what employeesthe inspection sees anything else that he/she perceive as a lack of attention by the employer tobelieves is an OSHA violation or an unsafe protect them, the employees, from COVID-19.condition.I am sure you are thinking, but I would neverAt about the same time OSHA was declaring retaliate against one of my employees because ICOVID-19tobeanNEP,PresidentBiden determined that they directed OSHA to me byappointed Doug Parker, to head OSHA. Mr. making such a complaint. However, you mustParker was, at the time of his appointment, the remember that retaliation can take many formshead of Cal OSHA. I have read several short and that it is more than employee terminationcommentaries on Mr. Parkers appointment, or demotion. It can be any action that you takea few of which have been titled There is a against an employee that the employee perceivesNew Sheriff in Town.I think some of these is connected to a complaint that they made tosentiments have arisen because of Cal OSHAs OSHA. safety enforcement reputation. Cal OSHA also has What value do you place on your employeesa very broad standard on heat illness prevention or those who work for you? and an Emergency Temporary Standard on The NEP also gives OSHA probable cause toCOVID-19. I believe there is a belief that with visit your worksite and at least demand to seeMr. Parker becoming the Administrator of OSHA your COVID-19 Protection Program. Rememberthat we are going to see some new standard that the COVID-19 NEP covers all industries sodevelopment (especially for COVID-19 and heat illness prevention); as well as an increase continued on page: 40 FRAME BUILDER - JUN2021 / 39'