b"THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINEcontinued from page: 13Craigslist are not insured or reviewed. Hiring temporary workers allows you to expand your Modern hiring solutions, like GigSmart Get Workers,candidate pool to the rapidly growing pool of millions can connect businesses with workers based on skills- of talented and experienced workers who are now BUSINESS MANAGEMENTmatching for a low fee. With over 65,000 activecontracting. Leverage these workers to combat the construction workers available for hire, you gain fastconstruction labor shortage and thrive in 2021.access to qualified applicantseven for same-dayAbout GigSmartshifts! GigSmart is a staffing company focused on providing Recap modern solutions to meet the needs of a rapidly evolving economy. GigSmart's apps, Get Workers and Get Gigs, Temporary workers can help keep your full-timeconnect businesses and residential users looking for labor employees happier, allow you to rapidly grow (orwith local workers. The apps are available in all 50 states shrink) your crew based on project needs, give youserving industries including construction, manufacturing, better access to specialized skills, or provide anfood service, delivery services, transportation, retail, additional means to vet potential full-time hires. customer service, and professional services.Structuralwood screws Drive job-site speed Proprietary corrosion-resistant coating Pressure treated lumber compatibleIdeal for single and multi-ply truss, column, header and joist applications us.sfs.com14 / FRAME BUILDER -JUN2021"