b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENTFROM THE CORNER OFFICERodney Hughes, Vice President Boone Bros. Roofing - Sioux City, IAO nethingweallhaveinlose productivity, and you will lose customers. common is Personnel.WeThen, on top of that, you have how their attitude interview, we hire, we train,might affect your existing employees.If other and unfortunately, we terminateemployees see that someone does not care and whennecessary.Dontgetmeyou dont address it, they may stop caring. And wrong, we have been blessed withthat is where your real concern is, the people who some outstanding people who have taken goodare getting the work done for you, how do I supply care of us; but some of those who have enteredthose who do care with adequate help.How long our world . . . As managers and business ownerscan they continue to carry on without adequate we have all signed on for this merry go round ride.support.The one in which one out of a hundred who willIn this Employee Empowered/Labor Shortage work out merry go round. world we are all living in it is even more important One of the best pieces of advice Ive been givento make sure that you are hiring the right people was Hire on Attitude.There are three things anfor your business.Far too many prospective employee is judged on.Skills, Attendance andemployees have all heard that the jobs/opportunities Attitude.You can teach the roofing, teach andare plentiful, and they, the workers are not.That impress on them the Safety, but you cannot teachlends even more credibility to the fact thatif you them to care.If a new or an existing employeecouldyou must choose the right candidate not does not care, you lose.You lose credibility, youjust a heartbeat.That, if we could, we now must 26 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'