b'TECHNICAL & RESEARCH COMMITTEEAdhered Insulation SpecimenFINDINGS OF LOW RISE FOAM AD HEREAdhesive Test ProgramRecently the MRCA Technical and Research Committee commissioned a research and testing program to investigate the effect on bond capacity ofvariouslow-risefoamadhesiveribbonspacingsusedtoadhere together layers of polyisocyanurate roofing insulation boards.To guide thepolymer coated fiberglass and cellulosic felt-faced research theinsulation board specimens. The MRCA engaged MRCA posed aWiss, Janney, Elstner, Associates of Northbrook, specific questionIllinois, to conduct research to answer this to be answered,question, which was completed in October 2019. what impact doesThe research testing utilized a custom designed Randy AdamsRichard Koziol variation in foamand fabricated aluminum test fixture secured to R. Adams Roofing, Inc. Wiss Janney, Elstnerribbon spacing havea robust steel reaction frame to uniformly apply Associates, Inc on ultimate roofdirect tension loading to full size, 4-foot square uplift capacity? The MRCA based this on a veryadhered insulation specimens. Companion tensile common observation that the Wand and cartridgeload testing of smaller 12-inch square companion installation method by workers is highly variablespecimens and tests of cured foam material only, and Not able to produce perfect ribbon spacingwith no insulation in the specimen configuration, by hand. The program included evaluating bothwas also performed. The MRCA Technical and 6 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'