b'YOUNG CONTRACTORS COUNCILYoung Contractors Council Spreading the LoveT heMRCAYoungContractorsCouncilorganizesa community service event each year in conjunction with the Conference and Expo.These events are designed to give back to the community that is local to the shows location.This year, the YCC teamed up with KC Footprints for a fun event that benefited several recipients involved with KC Footprints programs.Attendees to this free event brought their sandwich making skills and generated enough peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to distribute to four different locations for KC Footprint programs. They pb&jd until there was no bread left to spread.It was a record breaker for completion of over 250 sandwiches in just under an hour!The main program benefited by this event was Heroes Home Gate.This program serves homeless Veterans in the Kansas City area.The resources provided include meals, short-term housing, career placement assistance, and staff assistance for the various day-to-day needs of those in the program.Heroes Home Gate has successfully placed over 80% of those who have been through the program into permanent housing.For more information, or to join in our assistance of this program, please visit https://www.kcfootprints.org/heroes-homegate.Thank you to KC Footprints, Heroes Home Gate, and the team at KC|OP - Visit Overland Park for their assistance with this event. Keep an eye out for what is in store for the YCC Service Event as we travel to Milwaukee in 2020.Come out to Conference and help make a difference for the local community.The YCC Service events are open to all attendees.www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 31'