b'T years ago, Mark Rynearson got his first look at hree pyrorysis,aused to decompose organic maprocess terial at extremely high temperatures withoutoxusing ygen, as he watched avideo of ain YouTubelaboratory England usingitto break down pieces of tire into Number6oil and ablack compound. fuelcarbon Today, Rynearson, an engineer, is chief operating officer of Resource Recycling,(RRLI), Fort Smith, Ltd. AR, amanufacturer of thefor tires, newpyrolysis process as well as scrap roofing, plastics, asphalt and paving, textiles, and other items that leave afootprint. carbon into Profits Turning By-Products "We\'re in the business of recovery," Rynearson told attendees of MRCA\'s Annual Conference in Grapevine, TX. "We recover oil, carbon black, natural gas, and otherto ASTM specifications, and we do it in products away." He explained that by using reactors, friendly RRLI\'s pyrolysis system can break down EDPM or PVC roofing waste into its original components, suchZaida Basor, AIA, City ofCity Public Works D discusses implementing lgCC in Dallas. Dallasepartment, as carbon black, Number6hydrogen chloride fuel oil, (HCl),synthetic gas. and All these by-products can then be soldthe open market,For example, carbon black is used in printer toners,colorant, inRynearson said.plastic EDPMand tire manufacturing. HCl is used in the manufacturing of circuit boards and vinyl"Roofing waste can be totally recycled roofing,materials. and reused," Rynearson said, adding that this "solution" comes just as the industrynew InternalCode regulations requiring half of all facesBuilding waste material to be recycled, and as waste management firms refuse placing certain products into landfills. The company\'s first system will be built "in the southern section" of the country byend, Rynearson said. T plans to build up to 10 year\'she company systems nationwide by the end of 2014. International Green Cons Code (lgCC) Update truction Meanwhile, Mark Graham, associate executive director of technical services for the National Roofing Contractors Association,that reportedseveral jurisdictions around the country have eitherare in the process of adopting the recently published IgCC codes. He stre that the codes adopted orssed chooseadopty allow for flexibility in how jurisdictions, even those in the same city, cantothe codes\' provisions. The cit of Dallas, for instance, doesn\'t apply the green construction code to existing buildings. "This is atfor us ~1thin the construction industry," Graham said. "We\'re used to one code being applicable throughout a given area." differen twist Graham further noted that the IgCCrequires higher levels of Rthroughout the entire building. "The 2012the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC) has a valueedition of 30% increase in Rover 2006," he said. " \'re now going to be 40% more energy efficient with the green code than with the 2006" valueWe IECC. requires roof reflectivity in certain areas ofcountry. theasks for the development of aplan. " yoff the construction sitee to befor," Graham said. construction waste-managementAn debrisne dsaccounted "TI1e codes establishe certain levels of recycling or repurposing of materials."challenges the industry to deal with material selection. "The green code does not sayou have toamaterial, but itsay55% y usespecificdoesthatof your materials need to be recycled,yclable,or indigenous." rec bio-based,limitsvoecontent.includes provisions to ensure that a,its life,at aat which itintended. "This may present some liability building throughoutperformslevelwas issues for roofing contractors," Graham said.applies to green roofing.is is something you\'ll have to take aat on abasis,"said. "Isee some jurisdictions taking green roof"Th looklocalhecan ing out ofcode provisions. theincludes some provisions for vegetative roofs, renewable energy systems, and water conservation or water collection for specific jobs. "The IgCC will fundamentally change the construction industry although at this point, we don\'t necessarily know all the answers,"said. ,Graham "Itbe interesting to see how this turns out ayears from now." willcouple of 12www.mrca.org- Midwest Roofer'