b'MRCA Celebrates 60 Y rs in Kan Cityfrom page 7 ea sascontinued The 2008 Mccawley recipient Bob SwandaMRCA\'s annualmeeting waslate Tou which made stops at severalnsas membershipr,"Kapresentedthe2009Mccawley awardstoheld Friday morning, during which amend City spots. The first stop was "ChocolateThe Dave Tilsen and Kim Swartzendruber. Tilsenments to MRCA\'s bylaws werebyExhibition" at the beautiful Union Station. approvedThis is aMRCA supporter and owner ofthemembership.MRCA memberselectedexhi ionvlsitors intoworld and longtimebit immersedthe Tilsen Roofing Company in Madison, WI.Henew officers to 1-year terms anddirectorshistory of c late in its va ous stages and hoco rihas been aof the industry for more thanto 3-year terms. Incoming MRCA Presidentforms, and from aie of perspectives, inpartvar ty 20 yearsservedasMRCA presidentinRonnie McGlothlin received the president\'scluding science, history, and po rlturandpula cu e. 2000. He continues his service to the industrygavelandoutgoingPresidentJohnDalyAfter all thattalk,ate chocolateattendees in leadership capacities of the NRCA.received the Chairman\'s plaq .lunch at the fa Lidia\'s Italian Restaurant. ue mous Swartzendruber served MRCA as executiveFriday\'sBest ShinglercontestbroughtAfter lunch,visited Christopher Elbow\'s to they director from 2007 to 2009 andheld varioustogether 10 of the area\'s best shinglers w hhear about h famous painted and delicious it is other positions during heryears with MRCA.JuanGarciaofRedHammer Roofinginchocolates. Fin the group enjoyed a 15ally,driveOn both Thursday and Friday, the NationalKansasCity, MO, taking the$1,000prize.through tour of the world-renown Couedntry Conference featured ashow floor full ofSecond- and third-place win were AbelClub Plaza,City\'s h crown tradenersKansasistoricjewel activity, with many new products and servicesGasca, Freeman\'s Quality Roofing,Clinton,of upscale sho and b tiqu restaurants, psou es, featured. Attendees enjoyed aanniver MO; and Bill Gazaway, Kansas City Roofingtheaters,other businesses. 60thand sary cake celebration on Th yService, Kansas City, KS. Thanks to MalarkeyMarkyour calendarsnow to attendthe ursda morning. Exhibitors were pleased with the turnout, withRoofing Products for sponsoring the contest.61 st an National Co to nual MRCAnference,be o Texas-based exhibitor indicating it wasAttendeesalso enjoyeda sweet treatonheld28-29, 2010, at the Indianapolis neOctober "the best MRCA show ever."Friday during the "A Day of Heavenly Chaco- Convention Center, in Indianapolis, IN. MRCA\'s Mul(i-Tiered Membership. Enhanced levels of membership now allow you to in(:rease your support to the MRGA amt the MRCA Foundation, while taking advantage of service discounts! ,\\1 \'- _. 50123A8.1mi~~:IDl. ~" I0# .-_ :i;;;ii~~_ 50124 "\'1Explra1ion_.Expiration 12/31/2010 ~Stroot.12131/2010a~Memller1Jane MemberStreet Joo MemberJohn ABC CompanyA1 CompanyAcme Company 555Drive.PO Box1000123 Anywhere 60500 Anywhere, ILCityTown,IA4011 MYTown, USA 10111 www.mrca.orgwww.mrca.org Password: 50123Usemame:JohnPassword: 50125Username:nePassword:50124 JaPlatinum Membership ($1,500)Go. Membership ($1,000)Silver Membership ($675) Id20% Discount on MRCA Services, such as: 10%MRCA Services, suchas:(Traditional Membership) Discount onP11bliq1tions & Publications&Videos TQl!-free Legal,\'lecbnical&Ad\\ice Hot!.in.es VideosSafetyRoof Watch Roo[Watch Business Management Fo.tms iiConference Registrations Conference Registrations SHARPSafety Meetings&Talks Toolbox20%the MRCA Foundation 10%to the MRCA Foundation iij!d-A-Roofer Internet Listing Donatioo toDonationEnhanced Find-A-Roofer Internet Listing Enbance4 Find-A-Roo(er h)ternet Listing Applicatot Agreement ReviewToll-Free legal, \'l\'ecbnical&Safety Advice Hotline Toll-Free Legal, Technical&Hotlincs Advocacy for your Interests in the Industry Safety AdviceBusiness Management Fonns Business Management Forms Continuation ofCurrent Services! all ToolboxSHARP Safety Meetings &Talks SHARP Safety Meetings & Toolbol!; TalksApplicator Agreement Review Applicator Agreement ReviewAdvocacy for your Intereststhe Industry" Advocacy for your Jnteres\'ts in the Industry \'in(\'.ontinuation ofcurrent Services! Continuation of all Current Services! all Take advantage of new discounts and support the MRCA Foundation! Visit www.mrca.org for more il\'!formation! MRCA\'s membersbipJanuary-DecemberDues are deductible as a business e:xpense. Fou11datio11 dotiations are charitableto charitableprovis/01,s. year is3131.tleductlons subjectgiving 8Midwest ValuesBusinessResourcesNetworking'