b'CERTA Program Update Announcement Dennis Runyan, MRCA GERTA Chairman T informationisto updatesome in requirements. hisstructional o youonthe current statusof tneThis state creat ar of edsou cesome GERTAprogram.First,thou distress to b izations and gh,oth organa bitofhistoryisneeded.Asmany contr . actorsmost MRCA members know, theTheGERTAT Faskorce, GERTAprogram wascreatedbymadeup ofbothN and RCA MRCA and has beenmaintainedMRCAmembers,hasresolved andrefreshedperiodically overthefundamentaldifferencesin thedecades. F thelastsev torch-usemethodologybeing or er years the NRCA has beenatau bythe twoprograms. alght partnerspecifically in the effortNowtheCERTAprogramhas to maintain insurability for someincorporatedchangestoallow contractors u ngflame.instruction of mechanicsin the si open Withofinto thesafe use of open-fla torches;contractors from both the MRCAGERTA tr n Theram will the entryNRCAmeai er.progCERTtraining arena paralleltheand allow latitude for torch useT h l andResearch Com continuefocusonteaching Atoec nica to MRCA program, there developedbytechnicianstoinsure eachmittee and theNRCA T nicalthesafe useroofing torchech ofes twoseparatesimilarprograms.roof can be properlytalled.Operations Committee, ensuringandtheconsolidationofthe inssoringfut geswillenhance each identified by the spon GERTA classes will no longeranyure chan and modifica programonlythose organization acronym, and admin be identified as NR or MRCA;tions w l comeasconsen efforts.If youh questions CAil susave istered techn lythe namedthe CERTA T For has agreedprogram improvements.regarding CERTAyour certiical byaskceor organization.Theseprogr to pr one inclusive program,F theforeseeable future,fication status,MRCA at amsesentorcontact werenot appreciably dissimilar,incorporatingthe bestofbothtrainers will be train through800/497-6722. ed but differencesdiddevelopinprograms. Going forward, GERTANRCA.in the past, applicatorsCheck page 10 for upcoming As ch thoactualtor -useguidelinesandwill be administeredby roofingmay be trained by any au rizedGERTA events. Rooftop Turbines: Rooftop Mounting and Building Integration of Wind Turbinescontinued from page 4 Worse, a-mounted tur both the wind turbine and tower.Typical ofturbines. the rotor is tied down rooftop rooftop nastyon this-operating turbine in Holzhausen, nonbine can provide asurprise,Thewoodenroofsof homesin Rhein/and-Platz, 2005. The turbine is noteworthy as an owner in upstate New YorkNorth America can\'t support morein its own. The turbine is probably right an OneightAi Allgaierin thears from 1950-19 . It builtye 59learned.stormy n hisrthana microturbineatbest.A appears to be alo aatop the same twinturbine turbine destroyed itself- and thenreinfor concrete roof on acompany\'s building, Klockner-Moelfer, alongside cedcomplungedthrough h roof. T merc or industrial building mightthe main north-south line from Bonn to Koblenz. ishatial T A was aofwork by the hellgaierderivativethe was the end of h experimenta beable towithstanda slightlyfather ofwind energy, Ulrich Hiitfer, and isGerman tion with rooftop mounting.larger turbine. Can the roof, then,was built by allin the south of sma companyGermany in Goppingen (near Uhingen).ogether, AltToroo turbu handlethedynamic loads-thethere w about 200 units bui// and ranged in avoidftoplence,ere the wind turbine must be raisedvib thetowerwillsize from 6-10 kW Aograph similarthis rations-thatphot to .and this background information is contained in well above the roof lineThis oftentransmit tothestructure?If the negatesanypotential savingsbuilding is anunoccupied ware Jan Windgeshichter byDelker, 2005. on the tower, andincreases thehouse, the vibrations won\'t bother complexity of mounting theanyone, but if it\'s an office building, wind tu and installiJig it safely.they may p annoying. rbinerove FewwhoconsiderrooftopRooftopmountinghasbeenencourages its use,techniquesay on Manhattan\'srt side, thelowe easmounting ask whether the buildingtried andwiththe exceptionofhas been foundnting. It\'s si ly"R pting? Y gotta be wa mp oofto moun ou sup ortloa eaedercompanyForgedda abocanp theds cr t bythe found of thethatnot worth the trouble. As they mightkidding me.ut it." SafetyTechnical&ResearchCommitteeLegalAd vi ce9'