b'ContinuedIt is with some sadness that I sit down toof hard work by the directors, officers and comwrite my final article as president of the Mid mittee members of MRCA. The show provides west Roofing Contractors Association. It justan excellent opportunity to view the latest proddoesn\'t seem like a year has gone by since theucts and seNices available to contractors. The members elected me to lead their association.real highlight of the convention is the educaA lot has happened over the past year. and Itional programming. All of the seminars have hope all of it for the better. MRCA reached itsbeen designed by roofing contractors, for roofhighest level of membership, EVER, thanks toing contractors, so you can be assured that the the dedication ofofinformation is timely and important to your busithe members and directors MRCA. We redesigned the Midwestoferness needs. Ronewsletterprovide more timely and relevantAs my final "official" act as president, I again to to information to the membership. We createdwant to encourage each memberrecruit a new brochures for member use. This year wenonmember roofing contractor into the associaimplemented new seNices, such as the MRCAtion. The association can only continue to grow ShowFax, and the site on the Broadcast Part and provide the high level of seNices expected ners/Contractors Dayta satellite seNice. Wewith more members. Without members, MRCA also continued the Applicator Agreement pro loses its voice in the industry. We can only gram with updated information sheets, intro seNe as the contractors advocate when we duced new business forms, revised the CERTArepresent a large number of contractors-. I know program, and much, much more.that I\'ve really pushed membership this year, I certainly can\'t take all the credit for the suc but membership is the life blood of MRCA, and cess ofto all ofwe must continue to grow. BYRAY HOSELTON,MRCA. That honor belongs you, the loyal members and supporters ofIt\'s just about here in the story that a reporter 0MRCAPRESIDENTMRCA. I also want to thank the directors ofwould put,"to be continued."I certainly hope MRCA, and especially the retiring directors - so. I gladly pass the reins of MRCA to Bob with Bob Frederic, Jim Eckstein, Todd Graham, JimHuntington, who I know will lead MRCA Mansfield and Kurt Baumgartner. I also want todiligence and enthusiasm. But he can\'t do it thank MRCA Chairman ofMikealone. It is vital that you continue to support the the Board, Pettigrew, for his guidance and assistance thisactivities of MRCA. Together we have made a past year. Thanks also to MRCA Executive Di difference in the industry, and together we will rectorstaff at MRCA forcontinue to make a difference. Tom Knight, and the their help. I look forward to seNing as Chair So I say a fond farewell. I have enjoyed my the man ofBoard for the next year, and wel time as president, and I look forward to seeing coming a new class of directors to the MRCAall of you at the convention and trade show. Board. Each directorofMRCA and officerthe Board makes tremendous sacrifices to seNeSincerely, the needs ofBe sure to the membership. you see them at thank a director or officer ifRay Haselton the convention. It has been a lot ofthis year, but it has work also been a lot of. One of fun the real benefits of being a member in MRCA is the opportunity to make new friendships that will last a lifetime. Sharon and I want to thank all of the directors and their families who made the trips to the board meetings. We went coast-to-coast this year, but it was fun and we accomplished a lot. I encourage you to attend the 46th Annual Convention and Trade Show to be held October 13-15 in Milwaukee. The convention and trade show represents the culmination of a lot MR October 953'