b'PRESIDENT\'SWTABLEOFCONTENTS ELCOME15 It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to Milwaukee and the 46th Midwest Roofing= ~ 0 Contractors Association\'s Annual Convention and Trade Show1:111: A,; Since its inception,goal ofhas been to actively and efficiently promote thezt,. advancement oftheMRCAinformation dissemination and roofing contractor0 zt, the roofing industry through~ advocacy.There is perhaps no better example ofto roofing!;.~ industry excellence thanMRCA\'s unrivaled commitmentMRCA has:eIll. MRCA\'s Annual Convention and Trade Show. Since1950,.ICII:0\'-Illa0. .~ consistently produced the most informative, convenient and economical convention available:!.0 to the roofing industry. Simply putother convention offers roofing industry professionals as~- .a. z~ noG~ Gz:z: good ofon their investment.This year\'s convention will certainly be no exception.z0., Overa returnthree days, our convention programs promise to be exciting and educationalij~ -=i: the next The programs are designed and presented by fellow roofing contractors to address the issuesICII:. ICII: 0t, ofand the concerns ofThese programs have all been designed with just one t, todaytomorrow. u0 goal in mind-to improve your bottom line. For example, the MRCA Health and Safetya11:11: ICII: Committee program will focus on creating a safe working environment by examining the use ofas well as a discussion about fall prevention regulations.The a safety-monitoring program, CERTA Committee will present a program update on changes being made to the Certified Torch Welding Applicator program. MRCA\'s Business Management Committee program will provide new business forms as well as examine howdevelop and offer a maintenance pro II to gram. MRCA\'s Steep and Metal Committee will show how hard products can turn into hardII profits with a special job profile. MRCA\'s Technical and Research Committee will once again address the many concerns faced by roofing contractors with an examination ofdeck sloped and roofover existing low slope assemblies, as well as a assemblies in retrofit configuration presentation on EPDM taped seams and, ofthechnical and Research Committee course,TeUpdate.programming is only one part ofmany and exciting opportunities availableIIJI-isEducationalthattion. A vital compon the,the success of each MRCA Convention=- . ~ 0 to you at this year\'s conven ent ofroofing industry The three day expo 0=G the trade showattracts over I 60 suppliers to thet,3-z iii sition enables roofing contractors to see what\'s new and allows roofing materials manufactur =0G ers the unique opportunitystand face-to-face with thousands ofractors from.!!I::z:Cl: around the world.toroofing cont t,Ill . 1111 .3::G z 0 :z:4 The MRCA Convention also features the best in attendee entertainment. I invite you to.1111ICII: purchase your tickets to attend the Opening Luncheon on Sa urday.KeynoteIll.lo-t This year\'s Address will be presented by Lee Sherman Dreyfus. I also hope everyone will attend the.G -=i: ~4 MRCAwhich will feature music, dinner and casino gamesCl!: a.lo-Theme Party on Saturday evening, ~ convention attendees will also and prizes set in the Old West. Spouses and guests ofhave the opportunity to see some offamous sights of theMilwaukee. MRCA is an organization run by roofing contractors for roofing contractors. If you are a member ofknow all ofprograms presented at this convention are only a MRCA, then youthe small part ofthat MRCA has to offer: If you are not a member of allMRCA, I encourage you to stop by the MRCA booth in the center oftrade show floor to learn more about our the association. Membership in MRCA is a commitment to your busin~s and the roofing industry. I hope that you will take advantage of.all the opportunities available to you ?-t this year\'s\' Directors and tconvention.The MRCA Board ofhe MRCA staff have been working diligently to bring you the most comprehensive programs and informative trade show ever presentedIll by MRCA.Tour the booths and displays on the trade show floor; and attend the educational programs and parties.comes to providing a convention and trade show that offers. When it unmatched convenience, quality and affordability, you will find thatMR,CA is"AlwaysonTop!" Once again, thank you and welcome. Sincerely; Ray Haselton 1995 Midwest Roofing Contractors Association President 3'