b'MEMBERSIIlPVOTE TO TO DIRECT FROM A DIREC1,0RINCREASE SIZE OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS away!Attheannualmeetingo\' anMRCA\'s membership to be heldon-_,1 dTuesday, November 3, 1987, at ueup,ConventioninKansasCity,the the memberswillvotetoextend for oneyearthetermsofthose Directorswhosetermsexpirein 1987 and 1988, and to increase the ~size of the Board of Directors from twelve to fifteen. The notice of the Daveannual membershipmeeting and Knutsonacopyof the bylawamendment permittingthesechangesare Inspecting roofs from ahot airenclosed in this issue. balloonmayseemabitligence.CurrentlywehavenotIn adopting this amendment at impractical, butdays it somejustthe June, 1987, Board of Directors doesn\'ttoa UJdder.settled this case.Ihave made it payusevery clear toour liabilitycarriermeeting,theBoard believesthat ThepastseveralmonthsourthatIintendtofightthiscase,longer terms by directors will lead company hasbeeninvolvedinawhatever it takes. The insuranceto greatercontinuityof service to lawsuit involvinganaccident acompanyinformsmetheymustMRCA.T herefore,the non-employee had while using ourlook at this from afinancial view.amendment allows the electionof five additional directors at1987 ladle- to make aroof inspection.Howmuchdotheywantinthe \'l\'heaccident occurred approx- settlement? How much will it costconventionwhowillservethree imately three years agowith ourto defendit?(It\'s like taking theyear terms, expiring in 1990. The salesmanandanindependentlow bid!) Us.termsofthecurrentdirectors insurance adjuster. We met at theIn either case, who do you thinkwhosetermsexpirein1987an\' jobsitetoinspecttheroof.Ourthe loser is going to be? I think we1988 shall be extended oneyear. salesmanset uptheladderandcan all agree that we pay plentyThiswillresultinmorethan for climbedtothefirststory,theliabilitycasessuchasthisone.fifteendirectorstemporarily. adjuster followed. The ladder wasWhat can we do? Ifcan happenHowever, the number of directors this pulled up and set up to climb thetoanexperiencedmanwhohaswillreducetofifteenascertain final second story level, again ourbeen trained to climb ladders, whodirectors\' terms expire in 1988 and salesman climbed the ladder first.should we let climb our ladders?1989,andonlyfivesuccessor WhentheadjusterstartedhisDoweneedtohaveasigneddirectorsareelectedineachof climb,the ladderslippedand hewaiverfromnon-employeeswhothese years. fellapp.roximate.1,-eight-t~ -ee-t-u-se-oa-r-eq-u-i-pmeat te gai-n-acce-s-s to to the first story roof.the roof?For thesake of clarity,anew Afterthreeyears,withoutIf anyone has been involved inSection13 of Article VI has been added settingthe duties of the hearing fromthisindividual,heasimilar situation, Iwould appre- forth has finally decided he has aclaimciate your sending me the resultsVicePresidents. The substance of againstourcompanyforneg- orcomments.thissection was previously found any , - NEW MEMBERS-"-\\in Section 11ofthe same Article, and the new section was created so (ThefollowingcompanieshaveL & L Roofing Company, Inc. \'that the duties of each elected office IrecentlybecomenewMRCAP.O. Box 3293Iwould appearin separate sections. Imembers.Weare very pleasedto927 CollegeIAs such, these changes are merely Iwelcome them to our Association.Batesville, Arkansas 72503Istylistic. I501-793-4977I IAllSeasons RoofingMiriam LeeIThe Board adopted the increase I661 7 RiverviewTommyLewisIof the number ofdirectors so that IP.O. Box 11237Ithe directors may better serve the-., Kansas City, Kansas 66111WeinbergerRoofingI I816-788-395581 Northwood DrivemembershipofMRCA.Please 1 1attendthemembershipV Stasia GoodwinO\'Fallon, Missouri 63366meeting 1Jeff314-272-43601 November3rdandsupportthis Stewartamendment. \\.WilliamWeinberger/ Pa \'-~ ge 2'