b'z ~ ~ PLANS GALAOENTION~ CTO CELEBRATE.JIlh1 /ANNIVERSARY THE MRCACONVENTIONSdon\'tinBrighton,Englandlastmonthandfi\\y r,k \'-/\\-,A get "older" .they onlyget betterwill be making a report on the sessions yearafteryear,andtheMidwestthere. So much material was presented RoofingContractorsAssociationisthat thiswillbe a difficult task for the expanding all efforts to provide one ofmoderator and speaker of this session. the mostexciting conventions intheirWilliam C.Cullen,NationalBureau$\\S\\ history.of Standards,Washington,D.C.,will Their 25thAnnualConventionwilldiscuss "Criteria forthePerformance be held at the Chase-Park Plaza Hotel,of BUR" and what measurement tools St. Louis, Mo., October 27, 28, 29 andcan be used t.opredict theon-the-roof 30th,withanattendanceofapproxi performanceofexistingandnew mately 1,500 expected.materials. Some of the topicsto bediscussedAnother important topic will be the include "ContractingInToday\'sEco analysisoflaborproblems,negotianomy", which reviews material short tions and contract clauses. The Merit ages, inflated prices and how you canShopmovementhasbeengaining limit yourliabilities,andbest of all,attention lately and will be included in how you can stillmake money.the presentation. The role of the "Roofing Consultant"Aninterestingladiesprogramhas hasoftenbeenunderfire,andnowbeen planned by thewives of theSt. MRCAisplanningtosettletheLouis roofing contractors. All in all, the controversybyanalyzingwhattherecord trade show with its abundance roofingcontractor,manufacturerandofnewequipmentandproducts,the the consultant should 4;!Xpect from theexcellentandinformativebusiness relationship.sessions and enjoyable social activities Several members of MRCA attendedwillmakethisaconventionthat has theInternationalRoofingConferencE;something foreveryone. ABC, OCT. 19745'