b'INDUSTRYNEWS ISTHEREAPRICEON SAFETY? sageintheformof an actual"On The Job"safetysituationmphotographand story. We feel that a regular diet of chis safety R OOFERSHAythehighestrateofnews will hit home-chat it will make your VE accidents for an type of constructionmen more safety conscious. work. The injury experience is four timesThis safety message and picture will be as great as the injury frequency and sever printedona4"x9"cardandcanbeLOW-MASTER ity race as reported for all manufacturinggivencoyourmenwiththeir paycheck during 1958 (last available figure).every other week.PowerDrum Reverser There isno question chat roofing workThe steady flowof safetyideas shouldOrderyournew1962GasolineHoistMaster is"hazardouswork,"butwhatisbeingcreate more safety-mindedroofers. le isawiththe allnewL MasterPowerReversing ow donecocounteractchissituation?Manyseepforward, andwe allknowthatyouDrum.Sendshookendofcablespeedingto contractorscomplain abouttheiraccidenthave to cake one steptogee it started.groundwithlittleornoweight.Willimprove rateandtheirhigh insurancepremiums,It will, of course, involve cost,but theefficiencyof yourhoist more than50 0 Optionalonnewhoist.Canbe installedon but-actuallyverylitcleisbeingdonetocost isnominal.For example, acompanyyour present Hoist Master in minutes. Noweldfight these trends.chatemploys25rooferswillreceive25ing or drillingnecessary. Price $98.00complee. We think we have an answer- at least itsecsof"SafetyNews"( 650piecesofThenewHoistMosterframeismodev.,ftfis a step forward. It isa definite program9 x4cards- 26 cardsfor eachmanwithnew type alloy steel tubing. lighter we;ght end coattack roofingaccidents. Hereiswhateachcarddifferent)allchisatatotalmorestrength, at noextra costtoyou. Writeforliteraturedescribingpowerhoist we would like to do:annual cost of $25.00.models180-Gand190-H,othermodelsand In order cofightroofing accidentsyouIs aprogram such aschis worth while,accessories. haveto go to the source- your men. Thisand is it worth$per year per man for 1.00SMITHHOISTMFG.CO.,INC. program is aimed especially at chem. Everychis type of safety message. We would like receiveCassopolis,Michigan other week they wil(a safety mes- your response. Below: A reproduction of one of the safety cards designed to be distributed toKeepDrainsand mechanics in their pay envelopes to impress upon them the necessity for safety.Downspoutsopenthis OBEY SAFETY RULESwinterwith BOMBS AWAY .After you fill the gravel bucket, step~. asideandk!\\E!Pbackfrom. the hoisting area. Ropes, cables, hooks and pulleys should\'also be checkedj frequently. to be sure that they are _- / .:::_ not defective.~, ~. ! ~~ ~~~-Ed. Carlson and Ken Peters, 2501 Charles, Rockford, DJ. Gentlemen:No-Freezeis theremar~ctJ.,e~- =.:.ad :that keeps drainsand do- __ -ru.:o-:S ice all winter long by elimi~=~.Please send us more information concerning the Safety News Kits.D""\' lotions. Install Na-Freezenow a= .,._"""== ,. =Our company would be willing to invest $1.00 per roofer, each year in adefiniteprogram to reduce roofingaccidents,andconsequentlythiswinter.Onefilling" = o:s:s-entirewinter, and refillsc.,.,,C~-~ reduce insurance premiums.Dcost. Write us for details. FRANK P.FREY& CO 2634 West~,r ADDRESS___________________Chicago12,I _6'