b"TURNSSHARPCORNERSCuttingCostsWithConveyors HOW TOGET around the corner in ahurry with four-wheel steering is demonstratedbyanewmaterials handling Shoveloader, which uses the same steering principle as ahook-andladder fire truck to turn sharp corners despite its 19-foot length. Built by Baker-LullCorp.,nationalmanufacturers of materialhandling equipment with headquartersinMinneapolis,Minn., the Shoveloader has an inside turning radius of only 7feet,6inches(most automobilesneed15- feet) .Equipped with positive four-wheel drive and de-signed to eliminate need foracenter differentialinthetransfercase,theTHIRTY-FIVEROLLSOF unit's hi-flotation tires and high under ROOFINGAMINUTE clearance permit efficient operation ofTHEILLUSTRATIONshowsa theloaderunderextremeconditionsconveyormovingmaterialfrom ofmud,snow,sandandunevenground! to roof,in this case, 4 square ground, the manufacturer states. Pow rollsofroofingfollowingeachother er steering on all four wheels (option uptheconveyorontotheroofat al)also adds to the operator's criticalfasterthan2'secondsperroll.Concontrol of the unit.veyor handlesasurprising varietyof Operatorsafety issecuredbyloca materials - rollsofroofing,asphalt theengine,awayfromallmoving,and pitch buckets, bundles of shingles tion of the seats at the rear and aboveandslagorgravelcanalso rideon parts. This vantage also gives the op theconveyor but arebetter handled eratoranexcellentviewahead.Thein containers. Shoveloader's19-footwheelbasein Savingsintimeandlabormake creasesstabilityofthemachine,accordingtothemanufacturer,byallowing full weight to be placed on the rear wheels for positive traction with peakpayloads.ForfurtherinformationontheBaker-Lullfour-wheel driveShoveloader,writeDept.KPN, Baker-Lull Corp.,314W.90thStreet, Minneapolis, Minn. D.HONIROFFSELLSCOLD PROCESSROOFINGCO. DAVID HONrIROFF, manufacturer ofRubertiteColdProcessRoofing materialshasisoldtheColdProcess RoofingCo.,7216NorthEastMiami Court, Miami, Florida, to W. F. ArnoldTotes 35 Rolls of Roofing a Minute ofMiami. Mr.Honiroffwillstilloperatehisthes.e cornveyors actually pay for them 32 foot or 40 foot conveyor.Conveyors manufacturing plant.This move stem selves.One contractor figured that onaremanufacturedintwotypes,one med from aconsiderable e sion ina certain job the conveyor saved $6.00withadeeptrough formaterialsno xpanthesaleofhisproductswhichheanhouranditdoesn'ttakemanywider than 16 inches and a second one previously applied,making it impera hours at this rateto pay for the con whichcanmoveinsulatingboards tivethat he dispose ofthe applicationveyor.and otherwide material.Illustration division to devote more time to manu Byaddingoneortwosectionsacourtesy of the Fairchild! Engineering, facturing.standard 24footconveyor becomesaMarion,Ohio. FEBRUARY1954PAGE25"