b'MIDWESTROOFING CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 26 Frederick Ave.St. Joseph, Mo.Phone 2-8913 KI NUTESQJfT\'.dEFO\'URI\'E.l:.NNU\'.ALCONV.li;l:{TION OFFICERS::tu ~\'IES\'l\'ROOFI1\'1G C0NTRACro1w.ABSOCL\\TION :rDPresident, PAUL A. WATKINS St. Josevh, Mo.J.AlID RY15-16,1954 ASecretary-Treas., WILLlAll H. WEIPERT St. Joseoh, Mo. 1st Vlce-Preoidmt, MONTY STUBDEVThebus inesssession oftheFourth 1\'.nnuc.lConventionoft he A1\'\'1\' Enid, Oki&. 2od Vice-Presldmt, ORVILLE DUFFMi dwestRoofingCont rs.ct ors . ciat i onwashel dntt he AssoGrand lslaod, Nebr.TownHouse,KansasCity,Kans2ss.ndwasopenedbyllr es i i.1.ent l\'aulA,,\'ict ki ns. DIBECTOBS: R. B. STEVENSON,Tovel&,Kans.Kr .W\'atkinsintroducedPcJ.lE.HeinJr. ,I-residentelect, J. A. ADAMS, Kansaa City, Mo.Km.i.S8.SAssoci etionof I.u;u.r,,mceA nt swtot alkedon geTOM EGAN, Sallo&, Kans. L.I,.FlSBJ!,lt, Wlcbita, Ko.na."I nsu.r,:mcecsRelc.t edtot heP.oofiugIndustry".Heex0. E. WARDLOW. Toveka, Kans,;;ilainedt:1enew KansasL,,rirrDeC:.u.ctibl e011ExtCovended.-WILLUM GOOD~. Lea,enwort. Kans. A. B. JIAMRICK, Lawton, Okla,b,erage". Thenextspec:keron t he;, e;r nr.1w sw lterSim.on,\'resident ro z. ~,N.R.c .A.,whoF.iddressedt :tieconventionon11 TlieNeedfor i"mofers Tracie1:.ssoci:::tion\'\' .lvir.Simonl.t. ter inthesession . ts_pokeor,.tr.Roofing BondsendGua.r:. ntees".Botn oft hes e t o.lkswereout st a1di1 n::idnodoubteveryonegained. a ::; greatdec.lofinf\'orm\'?tionfrom t hem. ,r.:otionm1.,debyR.B.3teYens onr.ndsecunded by William Goodye~.rthatArti cl e4Section 2"Amendrrentswhi chr eeds Ii t i;f i scalyearof t h.eassociationwillst c.r tjanut,ry1, e bechc.ngedtoj L 1 ,.::,:udthattl\'J.Bof:i:\'icersel ect;, l6. menutakeoffice June1andcontinuei nofficetoJune1the f ol l owi ngye r .M.ot ioncar r iedunani mously ,: . .Allexhibi t ors weret henintroducedandgivenr:;noppor t unity to .makeshortte.L.:sont heproductsbeingexr.ibied tbytheir firms . A".SteepPoof ingendSidi ng:B\'orum"followed,w thCharles iR.Matchett, ~iuality Ro;)fingCo. ,KanscsCi t y ,Nio ,as moderator, pr o ver-finteresting. ved Anot l1eropenforum.headed by TomJ .Daly ,KawRoofingCo. , Keus asCity,Kunsr swith thefollowingboard ofexperts ; RobertPeterson,SamAllyn,J ackVincentandJ i m Adams , wasnexton the programe.nddiscussed"Roofing Equipment", "Roofer sPlacein t heComrnunity" ,"TwoyesrM t enance 0 ainand"ApplicationProblems".Thisopendiscussionguveall membersanopportunitytobring outtheir problems1 dthe ,:mexchangeofidec,sofferede.solutionto manyofthem. SERVINGTHEROOFING INDUSTRYOF NEBRASKA, KANSAS, OKLAHOMA AND WESTERN MISSOURI Affiliated with the National RoofingContractorsAssociation'