b"(continued from page 5) Job Safety and Health: It's the Law Workplace Poster 1926.503(a)(2)Employer shall ensure each employee has been trained, as necessary, by a competent person. (94) Competent Person - one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.1926.503(c)(3)Inadequacies in an affected employee's knowledge indicate that the employee has not retained the required understanding or skill. 1926.503(c)Retraining. If you feel an employee does not have the understanding or required skill after training, they shall be retrained. These 5 citations are telling us that employees were notWhat is the OSHA poster and why do I need it? trained in using fall protection, unable to identify aThe OSHA Job Safety and Health: It's the Law potential fall hazard and unable to retain theposter, available for free from OSHA, informs knowledge of fall hazards, even after the training.workers of their rights under the Occupational Safety Additionally, employers failed to document training forand Health Act. All covered employers are required employees. to display the poster in their workplace. Employers do not need to replace previous versions of the Fall protection and training continue to be a seriousposter. Employers must display the poster in a problem in the workplace and they continue to appearconspicuous place where workers can see it. on OSHAs Top Ten list. To identify potential hazards in your workplace or the job site, compare the citationsIf you are in a state with an OSHA-approved state above and see if your organization complies with them. plan, there may be a state version of the OSHA If you identify any gaps, take the necessary steps toposter. Federal government agencies must use the close those gaps, protect employees and minimizeFederal Agency Poster. potential fines. If you need help identifying potential hazards in yourHow do I get a free copy? workplace, please contact Andy Sawan, Risk Services Specialist at SedgwickIs the poster available in other languages? at andrew.sawan@sedgwick.com or 330-819-4728. Law requiring poster to be displayed in the workplace 7"