b'RegistrationisopenfortheAnnualConventionin June,registerearlyandregisteroften.Everything seems to be falling into place and is lookingto be a solid schedule of events.PRESIDENTSHaveagreatSpringandIhopetoseeyouinafew months. MESSAGE Sincerely, Lee Stuckenschmidt MICA President Greeting MICA members!In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of Spring is here, hopefully that means we are past allweather inside of 24 hours. of the I forgot to put heat trace on that, its going~ Mark Twain tofreezesituations,nowallwehavetoworry about is the people who didnt realize they had a problem until after the fact.It has been an interesting 2024 so far. Either I have been lucky or the engineering industry is out to get us all. I think I have come into work for this entire year wondering every day if I was going to see another challenge thrown our way. From poorly written specifications to absolutely astonishing RFI responsesithasbeenaheckofajourneysofar. You know how bad it is when the mechanical con- MICALEADERSHIP: tractorforwardsyouaresponseandaddsintheir input saying that it just does not sound right. PresidentLee StuckenschmidtSystems Undercover, Eaton, CO. My most recent gem of a formally written RFIPresident-ElectKevin Rambo response was in relation to below ambient systemsF & H Insulation Sales & Services, Kechi, KS. run above a data center hall, insulation was omittedVice-PresidentCarl Petersen, on the system. The response was to have themDelta Thermal Services, Mankato, MN. providedirectiontoinsulatetherunouts,notthe mains. Themechanical contractor agrees that weAssociate PresidentLouis WaltonwillprobablyseethatchangeinafewmonthsProto Corporation, Hewitt, TX. when someone realizes condensation dripping on aMICABOARD OF DIRECTORS: server-farm is probably a bad idea. Ted Nickel, Mavo Systems, Inc. ThatisnottheworstIhaveheardthisyear. White Bear Lake, MNNobody likes to be told they are wrong or that theyMatt Lillig, Cornerstone Services Grouphavemadeamistake,butsometimesithastobeOmaha , NEdone. Is it just something in the water or has thereSteve Sack,Sprinkmann Insulation, Inc beenafullmooneverycoupleofdays?IwishIPeoria, ILknew.Matt Hymer, Midwest Materials Co. Joplin, MO I always feel like talking about these issues is likeTim Hughey, Colorado Mechanical Insulation when little kids gather around a campfire telling tallEnglewood, CO. tales. Someone should write a book of contractorsAdam Sease, Gagnon Inc.tall-tales, I would buy a copy.Bettendorf, IAGordon Vierck, Luse Thermal Technologies Aurora, IL3'