b"Fall Protection & walking/working surfaces shall be protected from falling through holes (including Working From Heightsskylights) more than 6 feet above lower levels, by personal fall arrest systems, covers, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration'sor guardrail systems erected around such (OSHA's) Fall Protection standard focuses primarilyholes. Additionally, employees must be on the construction industry.However, it pertains toprotected from tripping hazards and all companies regardless of their operation if theyemployees below must be protected from perform work at heights.Although the standard fallsfalling objects from holes.under the Construction Industry, OSHA can use the Construction Fall Protection standard against anyThese five citations tell us that if your employees are company if they identify a potential fall hazard. working at heights 6 feet or higher in the construction General Requirements for Fall Protection, 29 CFRindustry, you must have some type of fall protection.1926.501 and Training Requirements for FallKeep in mind that this is for Construction.If you are Protection, 29 CFR 1926.503 are almost always foundin the General Industry, the height is 4 feet, the on OSHAs Top Ten violations, year after year.It isShipyard Industry is 5 feet and the Longshoring essential to evaluate if your company falls under theseIndustry is 8 feet.standards. OSHA suggests three types of fall protection Since the Fall Protection standard includes a largeemployers can use to protect workers. number of individual regulations, it is important to understand what the specific rules are that arePersonal fall arrest systemsSystem used to commonly violated.Here are the top 5 sub-sectionssafely stop (arrest) a worker who is falling OSHA is citing companies for under Generalfrom a working level.Specifics on Fall Arrest Requirements for Fall Protection.Systems can be found at 29 CFR 1926.502(d). 29 CFR 1926.501, General Requirements for FallSafety net systems - Safety net systems are Protectiondesigned to catch a falling worker.Safety nets are intended to decrease the fall distance, 1926.501(b)(13)States that anyone performingabsorb the energy of a fall, and reduce the construction work at heights of 6 feet or morelikelihood or seriousness of an shall be protected from falls using approvedinjury.Specifics on Safety Net Systems can guardrail systems, safety net systems, orbe found at 29 CFR 1926.502(c). personal fall arrest systems.Guardrail systemsGuardrail systems are 1926.501(b)(1)Employees working on platformsbarriers erected to prevent workers from 6 feet or higher with unprotected sides orfalling to lower levels.Specifics on Guardrail edges shall be protected by guardrail systems,Systems can be found at 29 CFR 1926.502(b). safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems. 29 CFR 1926.503, Training Requirements for Fall Protection 1926.501(b)(10)Employees engaged in roofing activities on low-slope roofs with unprotectedHere are the top five sub-sections OSHA is citing sides and edges 6 feet or more above lowercompanies for under Training Requirements for Fall levels shall be protected by use of a guardrailProtection. systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems. 1926.503(a)(1) Employees who are exposed to fall hazards must be appropriately trained on 1926.501(b)(11)Steep roofs that are 6 feet orhow to recognize and correct those hazards. higher from a lower level shall be protected from falling by guardrail systems with1926.503(b)(1)The written certification record toeboards, safety net systems or personal fallshall contain the name or other identity of the arrest systems. employee trained, the date(s) of the training, and the signature of the person who conducted 1926.501(b)(4)Holes- Each employee onthe training or the signature of the employer.(continued to page 7) 5"