b'(continued from page 5) OSHA Announces Switch from plan will fall flat. All the modeling in the world will Traditional Hard Hats to Safety not make any difference if key performers do notbelieve the results can be achieved. And with it, theirHelmets to Protect Agency Employeesfinancial participation in that journey.from Head Injuries Better WASHINGTONThe U.S. Department of LaborsOccupational Safety and Health AdministrationFinal Thoughtsannounced that the agency is replacing traditional As owners (and their Advisory Teams) contemplatehard hats used by its employees with more modern the challenges and opportunity brought about duringsafety helmets to protect them better when they are this Covid economy, they are likely reevaluatingon inspection sites. business strategy and their own value proposition.In 2020, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports head They are also cognitive of the need for prudence viainjuries accounted for nearly 6 percent of non-fatal cost-containment measures without strangling theiroccupational injuries involving days away from ability to move forward with confidence. All thiswork. Almost half of those injuries occurred when plays into both the kind of talent that is needed andworkers came in contact with an object or equipment when a business can afford to hire those people.while about 20 percent were caused by slips, trips Long Term Incentive Plans, rooted in value-creation,and falls. offer a self- financed solution. They benefit share- Dating back to the 1960s, traditional hard hats holders by creating a unified financial vision,protect the top of a workers head but have minimal reinforce roles, outcomes, strategic priorities, andside impact protection and also lack chin straps. ultimately value creation. They benefit keyWithout the straps, tradition hard hats can fall off a performers by putting them in control of theirworkers head if they slip or trip, leaving them earnings while simultaneously sharing in the valueunprotected. In addition, traditional hard hats lacked that they help create.vents and trapped heat inside. During a time when competition for top talent is at aOn Nov. 22, 2023, OSHA published a Safety and zenith, creative pay structure must not only beHealth Information Bulletin detailing key differences compelling, it must be irresistible. As a result,between traditional hard hats and more modern making the shift from incentives to value-sharing notsafety helmets and the advancements in design, only makes sense, it is strategically urgent.materials and other features that help protect workers entire heads better. Todays safety helmets may also offer face shields or goggles to protect against projectiles, dust and chemical splashes. Others offer built-in hearing protection and/or communication systems to enable clear communication in noisy environments. The agency recommends safety helmets be used by people working at construction industry and the oil and gas industry; in high-temperature, specialized work and low-risk environments; performing tasks involving electrical work and working from heights; and when required by regulations or industry standards. OSHA wants employers to make safety and health a core value in their workplaces and is committed to doing the same by leading by example and embracing the evolution of head protection.6'