b'messenger MIDWEST INSULATION CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 7250 POE AVE., SUITE 410 - DAYTON, OH 45414 - micainsulation.org VOLUME 57NO.12 DECEMBER 2023 WHATS INSIDE THIS MONTH: Key Employee Incentive/Retention PlansTheThe sudden change has created both obstacles and New Paradigmopportunities for businesses. While some companies Presidents Messagehave succumbed to layoffs others have seen the shift MICA Leadership/Board of Directorsas a chance to secure high- performing talent for Contractors Remained Confident in Novemberwhom they could not have competed for just a few OSHA Announces Switch from Traditional Hardmonths ago. Hats to Safety Helmets to Protect Agency Employees From Head Injuries BetterFor those familiar with EOS (Entrepreneurial Ensuring a Smooth Transition of Ownership in aOperating System) and who is not these days, Construction Company business owners often own the role of visionary Final Rule to Improve Tracking on OSHA 300within their organization. A Visionary is a person Log and 301 Incident Report Formswho has lots of ideas, is a strategic thinker, always Save these Datessees the big picture, has a pulse on their industry, Can You Hear Me Now? Preventing Hearingconnects the dots, solves the big, ugly problems and Loss in the Workplaceis great at closing big deals. Visionaries are the The Key to a Smooth Hiring Process andcreators of everything. Visionaries NEED a Successful HireIntegrators to complete their vision. Do You Use These Passive-Aggressive Email Phrases?An Integrator is the person who is the filter for all the Visionarys ideas: harmoniously integrates the Leadership Team and helps to remove obstacles and Key Employee Incentive/ barriers. They are the tie-breaker for the leadership team, the glue for the organization, holding every-Retention Plans thing together, driving results, accountable for the The New ParadigmP&L results, executes the business plan, holds the Exit Planning Strategies, LLCLeadership Team accountable, and is the steady force in the organization. Dyanne Ross-Hanson That said, an organization has a Visionary about 50 percent of the time. It MUST have an Integrator 100 With the onslaught of Covid-19, our country wentpercent of the time. from a period of record employment to record unemployment. Our business community hasThe pandemic has afforded many owners unplanned experienced a flip in talent demand unlike anything ittime for strategic contemplation. Contemplation on has ever seen before. Key talent was in demand andhow to emerge stronger and better and/or how to could essentially name their price when making aready the company for their ultimate departure. career move. Everything has changed. 1(continued to page 5)'