b'Tennessee Performing Arts Center in Nashville, and the $440 million Rady Childrens Hospital ICU/EMS Pavilion in San Diego, California.June 7, 2023 Dodge Momentum Index Slides 2% in May Due to Weaker Commercial Planning Commercial and institutional planning face divergent trends approaching the second half of 2023. HAMILTON,N.J.June7,2023TheDodgeMomentum Index (DMI), issued by Dodge Construc-tion Network, fell 2.0% in May to 180.5 (2000=100) fromtherevisedAprilreadingof184.1.Overthe month,thecommercialcomponentoftheDMIfell 6.1%,whiletheinstitutionalcomponentimproved 5.6%. The DMI dipped in May amid sustained weakness in commercialplanningactivity,statedSarahMartin, associate director of forecasting for Dodge Construc-tionNetwork.Conversely,institutionalplanning steadilyimprovedoverthemonthasresearchand developmentlaboratoriesandhospitalprojects Th e DMI is a monthly measure of the initial report for steadilyenteredplanning.Sustainedelevationinthenonresidential building projects in planning, shown to federalfundsrateandtighterlendingstandardswillleadconstructionspendingfornonresidentialbuild-likelyconstraingrowthintheDMIoverthesecondings by a full year.halfof2023;howevertheindexremainsabovethe historical average. This paints an optimistic landscape fornon-residentialconstructioninmid-2024,astheAbout Dodge Construction Network economyrecoversandtheFedbeginstopullbackDodge Construction Network is a solutions technolo-rates.gy company providing an unmatched offering of data, analytics, and industry-spanning relationships toCommercial planning in May was negatively impactedgenerate the most powerful source of information, bycontinuedweaknessinofficeandhotelplanningknowledge, insights, and connections in theactivity.Institutionalplanningacceleratedalongsidecommercial construction industry. The companysteadygrowthineducation,healthandamusementpowers longstanding and trusted industry solutions to projects. Year over year, the DMI remains 11% highertimely connect and enable decision makers across the than in May2022. Thecommercialand institutionalentire commercial construction ecosystem. For more components were up 7% and 18%, respectively.than a century, Dodge Construction Network has empowered construction professionals with theA total of 30 projects valued at $100 million or moreinformation they need to build successful, growing businesses. To learn more, visit construction.com enteredplanninginMay.Thelargestcommercialprojects included Buildings 3 and 4 of the Blue Sky Data Center project in Omaha, Nebraska, each valuedMedia Contact: at$466million,andthe$400millionPrimeDataCailey Henderson | 104 West Partners CenterbuildinginAvondale,Arizona.Leadingthe| cailey.henderson@104west.com way on the institutional side were the $500 million5'