b'(Continued from page 6)We believe everyone in America should be able to Finally,thereportsaidthatretaliation,whilenotliveandworkinsafeenvironmentsfreefromdis-unique to construction, was a serious problem in thecrimination,harassment,brutalityorlawlessness, industry. and we are eager to share our strategy for developing a more diverse, equitable and inclusive construction Giventhefragmentedstructureof temporaryassign- workforce, Sizemore said.mentsandsubcontractingonjobsites,workerswho experiencediscriminationoftendontknowhowtoInasteptopolicethemselves,industrystalwartsreport it, while the threat of retaliation poses a partic- including Turner Construction, the largest contractor ularly steep barrier for workers seeking to assert theirinthecountry,launchedConstructionInclusion rights and change workplace culture.Week in 2021 to combat hate on jobsites. A Turner representativesaidEEOChadnotapproachedthe Contractors respondcompany prior to releasing the report.Brian Turmail, vice president of public affairs for the Associated General Contractors of America, said theA longstanding problem industryhasbeenworkingaggressivelytomake Whileconstructionsreputationasaracist,White-construction more diverse and inclusive. He pointed toguys-only club has endured for years, it drew more over 900 of the associations membersout of a totalattention during the social unrest that erupted in the of 27,000, or around 3%that had signed onto itswakeofGeorgeFloydsmurder.Thatyear,CultureofCareinclusionprogram,aswellas Construction Dive brought attention to nearly two digital advertising campaigns that reached traditional- dozen hate incidents at jobsites nationally.ly underrepresented communities to encourage people to pursue high-paying careers in construction.Turmail also highlighted a 2018 paper the associationThe EEOCs report is the culmination of a year of published that made a business case for diversity andfocus on construction by the agency that started in inclusion in construction. May of 2022, when it held a hearing to look at har-assment in the sector. Since then, it has intensified HesaidAGCwelcomedtheEEOCsfocusonthe its scrutiny on reports of discrimination at construc-industry. tionfirms,anddesignatedthesectorasanareaof It is encouraging that the EEOC is also now lookingconcern in its five-year enforcement plan.intothisissue especiallyconsideringitsmissionandwewelcome them to a conversation and a process that ourEEOCsreportsaiditsnextstepswouldbetomembersarealreadyyearsintoaboutthebestandcontinuetomeetwithunions,employersandindustry groups and develop technical assistance to mosteffectivewaystocreateamorediverseandinclusive industry, Turmail said in an email. help ensure fair hiring and equal treatment.Associated Builders and Contractors also said it was onboardwithcombatingtheissuesoutlinedinthe Itwillprovideindustry-specificoutreachand report. training on harassment prevention, while continuing ABCanditsmembersopposeviolence,coercion,to investigate and resolve charges of discrimination intimidation,racismandthedenialoftherightsofandpursuinglitigationwherenecessaryinanyone, by anyone, at any time, said Greg Sizemore,construction. vicepresidentofhealth,safety,environmentand workforcedevelopmentatAssociatedBuildersandRe-printed with permission from Construction Dive Contractors.Hesaidthatformorethan20years,thegroups Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Committee has hosted summits,webinars,resourcegroupsandawardsprogramstochampionamorediverseconstruction workforce. 11'