b'Leaders should watch for red flags that indicate burnoutEveryone has tough days at work, but it is important leadersareawareofteammoraleandrecognizewhen team members are experiencing burnout.Fast Company shares the following red flags leaders should look for that indicate the entire team is burned out.Widespreadapathy.Duringmeetings,ifyourteam shows no energy or excitement and does not engage, there could be a problem. One of the most common symptomsof burnout is the absence of any pleasure.In attention to detail. You can detect a lack of engage-mentwhenyoulookforfollow-throughonprojects. When team members are burned out, they often will go through the motions but skip key details or not complete theirwork.You should beparticularlyconcerned whensomeofyourmostconscientiousemployeesstartbungling projects. Gasoline on every fire. A crucial part of resilience at workisrecognizingwhenasituationisescalatingand finding ways to disengage and de-escalate to keep a small issuefrombecomingabigone.Ifasituationworsens, peopleoftenfeedonit,causingincreasedanxietyoranger. When a team that typically collaborates well and workseffectivelyshiftstoconsistentlyfeedingon negativeenergyandcreatingfeedbackloopsthatspiral outofcontrol,itisasignthereisacollectivelackof resilience, and the teams burnout must be addressed. News June 28, 2023 27'