b'Joshua Bauer Outside Sales RepresentativeGreat Plains |Insulation Systems A Day in thePerformance Materials LifeMechanicalJohns Manville | A Berkshire Hathaway Company and HVAC YoungW: 720-749-7429 ProfessionalM: 720-749-7429Email: Joshua.Bauer@jm.com Website: www.jm.com Social: @JohnsManvilleJoshua BauerMynameisJoshBauer,andIamanOutsideSales Representative with Johns Manville (JM), specifically JMs Performance Materials team. At JM all the fiber-glassHVACandMechanicalinsulationproducts,as wellasourPolyisoexternalductinsulation,and ZestonPVCproductsfallwithinPerformance Materials. This is an industry that I had no clue existed until I started working at Johns Manville on the Build-ingInsulation,orresidentialinsulation,sideofthe business back in 2019. Fast forward almost 4 years and now I am not able to make it through a day that I am not surrounded by HVAC and Mechanical insulation, andImeanthisquiteliterally.Afterspendingafew momentsonajobsite,itiseasytounderstandhow much fiberglass pipe insulation, duct wrap, and interior duct liner is above the ceiling in every school, hospital, and commercial building I have ever been in.Being in outside sales is, for me, the perfect avenue for me to be a part of this industry that a short time ago was completely foreign. I cover a territory of 7 states, rangingfromNorthDakotaandMinnesotasouthto Kansas and Missouri. Therefore, a large portion of my day is oftentimes consumed traveling and working in my mobile office, otherwise known as a vehicle. I have learned that I need to be sure that I am always prepared foranyopportunitythatmaybepresentedtometo makeasalescall,demoanewproductorvisita jobsite. For that reason, I have continually added to my arsenal at my disposal that travels with me day-to-day in my mobile office. Things that I find myself needing day in and day out are all the necessary PPE to visit a jobsite,salesandproductinformationflyers,and productsamples.Ihavefoundthatbeingpreparedallows for efficiency when faced with those inevitable curveballsthatwearealldealtwhenmanagingtravelingforworkandbeingfarremovedfromatypical office setting. 17'