b'A Message f rom our President , Fred HornerI hope that everyone is enjoying a wonderful summer. Hopefully you were able to slow down a little and spend time relaxing and enjoying the warm temperatures with close friends and family.Duringthesedifficulttimes,Ialsohopeeveryonewasabletostayhealthyandhaveasuccessfulroofingseasonwhilekeepingyouremployeessafeandproductive.Justa reminder to our members to utilize the ORCA Legal Services Plan benefits by contacting Gary Auman with any questions or concerns you may have about workplace impact related to COVID-19.With the forced postponement of the 2021 ORCA Working Tradeshow, I am looking forward to the February 2022 Show. Details about Booth Selection and Sponsorship Opportunities are enclosed.I wish all of youto stay strong, safe, and healthy as we continue to face this ordeal together.Fred Horner, Advanced Industrial Roofing Co.ORCA is Your Resource for Information on COVID-19The coronavirus (COVID-19) has resulted in an unprecedented crisis that affects not only our physical health and daily lives, butalsoourbusinesses.Toaddresstheseneeds,ORCAis committed to providing credible information and resources to helpyounavigatethroughtheseuncertaintimes.Fordaily information updates, go towww.facebook.com/ OhioRoofingContractors/Classified Ads are Greatfor BusinessThe days of the nickel ad newspapers are fading into the past but online classified advertising is hotter than ever. For many of us,wefondlyrememberRoofersExchangeandthegreat service that newspaper provided the industry. In 2002, Roofers Exchangemorphedtorooferscoffeeshop.comandclassifiedADadvertising has evolved.ORCAisproudtoofferaspecialpromotionthroughrooferscoffeeshop.com.Together,weareoffering$25.00off your first classified ad. We know this will be of benefit to your company.Infact,therearemanywaystoutilizeclassified advertisinginyourbusinessincludingfindinglabor,finding work,sellingandtradingequipment,materialsandtools. RoofersCoffeeShopistheplacetosellitemstolike-minded professionals, knowing you are talking and doing business with people in the roofing trade.So, visit www.rooferscoffeeshop.com today and receive $25.00 offyourfirstad.SimplyusethepromocodeORCAfora one-time use. While you are there, be sure to explore the entire site and sign up for the E-newsletter. After all, it is Where the Industry Meets!www.ohioroofing.com 2'