b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCEtraining costs if the workers employment terminatesThe FTC concluded that noncompete agreements within a specified time period. suppress wages and harm competition by blocking All current state laws limiting noncompetes wouldworkers from pursuing better opportunities and by be preempted unless they provide greater workerpreventing employers from hiring the best available protection than the FTC rule. talent.Crook noted that the final rule does not explicitlyThe freedom to change jobs is core to economic invalidate other covenants, such as nonsolicitation,liberty and to a competitive, thriving economy, nonservicing, nonrecruitment, and nondisclosuresaid FTC Chair Lina M. Khan. Noncompetes block clauses. Any challenge to such covenants would needworkers from freely switching jobs, depriving them to be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, he said. Ifof higher wages and better working conditions, and the final rule survives, this gray area will certainlydepriving businesses of a talent pool that they need to provide fertile grounds for litigation. build and expand. By ending this practice, the FTCs The FTC said noncompete clauses constitute an unfairproposed rule would promote greater dynamism, method of competition and therefore violate Sectioninnovation and healthy competition.5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. The agencyThe FTC received more than 26,000 comments from estimated that about 20 percent of U.S. workers aremembers of the public after announcing the proposed bound by a noncompete agreement. The figure isrule in January 2023.higher in some industries, such as technology andThe new Republican Commissioners [who voted health care. against the final rule] were both sympathetic Employers that use the policies typically cite theto the issue, but highlighted what many in the need to protect trade secrets and other sensitivebusiness community believethat the Commission information from rival firms looking to poach talent. continued on page: 10INC.Because the Quality, the Design and the Bracing of your trusses should matter!CupolasWe have cupolas tot all needs.Barns, Houses, Garages, etc.Cupolas are made from PVC,Metal & Copper, and can beRigidplys Quality Trusses: painted or stained Strongest Design Loads & Less Truss Bracing to match! True, Straight & Fit your building Highest Lumber Quality in Trusses Crane Service with your delivery Registered Professional Engineers on staff717.866.6581www.rigidply.com 4 Township Drive 717.288.2630701 E. Linden Street, Richland PA 17087 Paradise, PA 17562 www.RoyalCrowne.com FRAME BUILDER - VOL5 2 / 9'