b'NFBA FOUNDATION PRESENTSExpo Social & Foundation AuctionADFREE TO ALL REGISTERED ATTENDEES & EXHIBITORSJoin us for an evening of entertainment, cornhole, food and beverages. Bring your colleagues, friends and family members or entertain your customers and make new acquaintances. Lets come together, celebrate our industry, raise money for a good cause, and make some memories!CORNHOLE CHAMPIONSHIPMARCH 7TH DRESS CODETHURSDAY CASUAL OR YOUR 7:00 -10:00PM FINEST PICNIC ATTIREIowa Events Convention Center - Grand Ballroom BMonies raised by the Auction will be used to support the new edition of the NFBA Post Frame Building Design Manual, Educational Programs and Industry ResearchNote: The NFBA Foundation is 501(c)3 and your contributions at the auction are tax deductiblenfba.givesmart.com'