b'1\' "\'" _ f _ N_e_l__s_______________________~ _t_\'i_l_i a_t_e_ \\l _ ,\\ _ l. EPDM Roof Restoration Guidelines Posted on ERA Web Site TheEPDMRoofingAssociation(ERA)haspostednewlydevelopedMRCA Mliliate Calendar restoration specifications and details on its Web site. www.epdmroofs.org. The information was developed as part of allaborative effort between2005 coFirestone Building Prod and Carlisle, the industry\'smajorAug. 11 -13Michigan RoofingtorscuctsSynTec twoContrac Asso iation pplies.nn Mo leasant, suppliers of EPDM membranes and related su It includes download MiRCA A ual Convention,unt P Mich. able outline specifications and numerous d ilings.586/759-2140 eta drawThe topic addressed in the guide include restoration techniques for fieldSept. 14 - 17R C tractors Association of Te RCoofingon xasAT seams,base flashing,vent pipe flashing, roof drains, curb flashing andAnn l Conven ,Anton , Te ./997ua tion Sanio xas 800 -6631 gravel stop roof edges.Oct. 5 - 756thu MRCA C en on andew, Ann alonv ti Trad Sho"Our field research indicates that EDPM root systems are experiencingGr .800/497-6722 apevine Texas. life cycles well in excess of 30 years and from ainability stan Nov. 7 - 12Batimat 2005 (Inte tional), P F n . susta dpoint,rna aris,ra cerestoration is acostaenvironmentally friendly alternative847/299-9070, E 7586 lowerandmoretoxt. Jimexpl ined. roof replacement," ERA board chairman.Hoff,aThe information can be located under thesite\'s \'Technical Bulletins Web &tab. Research 19llmROOF-A-CIDE Professional Roof Cleaning & Stain Prevention Roof-A-Cide,themanufacturerofenvironmentallysaferoof cleaning solutions and algae preventatives, is now making our products available throughout the Midwestern US. Exclusive Applicator and Distributor Territories are being offered to established Roofing Professionals that would like to create enhance a successful Roof Maintenance Program. or This presents an excellent opportunity for Roofing Professionals to include Roof Cleaning & Algae Stain Prevention as an integralpart of a regularmaintenanceprogram - offering aRAc more comprehensive service for their clients,reinforcingI"_d CustomerLoyalty,andestablishingaresidualincomewww.O- - le.m OJCO stream in the process with gross margins in excess of%! 80Roof-A-Gide"\'products do notand will inhibit the growth of dark algae stains for years with each require pressure cleaning treatment.Treatments generally take 30 minutes or less and a roof treated with Roof-A-Cide every few years will remain free the roof-GUARANTEED! and clear of unsightly algae and fungus growth for the life of Protected Territories and Distributorship Opportunities are available for Qualified Candidates. Call Today:800/806-6727 141jj'