b'(continued from page 11)Another important factor to consider is that insurance companies should reward companies that proactively put measures in place to prevent poor work quality. Because a rise in claims is all too often a direct result of poor work quality, insurance companies should identify and vet technologies that control work quality and actively incentivize construction companies to use them in meaningful ways. Looking to the future, its clear that the construction industry must make a collective commitment to better quality in order to succeed. We can and must do better. By embracing innovation, leveraging technology and empowering the new generations that are joining the workforce in droves, we can create a positive legacy that endures long after the last bolt is tightened.BY MATTHEW KLEIMANMatthew Kleiman is co-founder and CEO of Cumulus Digital Systems and the author of Work Done Right: Using Sys-tems Thinking to Guide Your Digital Transformation. For more information, visit cumulusds.com.SAVE THESE DATES 2024 MICA Fall Board & Committee Meetings October 8-11, 2024 Marriott Omaha DowntownCapital District ROOM BLOCK CUT-OFF DATE: September 6, 2024 MICA MEMBER ADDRESS/INFO. UPDATES Be sure to inform the MICA office of any changes or corrections to your listing for either theMICA Directory, e-mail correspondence or mailing address.Even if you update your company listing on the MICA website, please inform the MICA office of the changes.We try to be as current as possible with your help. 16'