b'more influence than you might expect. Due to their positive and thoughtful demeanor, they can create a calm and inclusive work environment built on honesty Saying the Quietand open communication. And because theyre focused on others, silent leaders are able to form Part Out Louddeeper and more meaningful connections with work crews, subcontractors, clients, suppliers and While silent leadership is easy to overlook, it canstakeholders. This promotes trust within your company play a key role in forming deeper and more mean- and allows team members to feel comfortable voicing ingful connections with work crews, subcontrac- their needs and concernsleading to improved team tors, clients, suppliers and stakeholders. morale, safety, health and wellness, and productivity.Silent leaders can also help you clarify project goals, objectives and expectations. By providing clear direction and guidance, they encourage accountability, minimize misunderstandings and confusion, and While bold and assertive leadership styles remaingenerally create an environment of effective valuable for fostering collaboration and teamcommunication and collaboration throughout the engagement, the leadership landscape is broadeningproject lifecycle. to recognize the equally valuable contributions of silent leadership. These leaders, known for theirRECOGNIZING SILENT LEADERS strategic thinking and focus on results, offer aRecognizing the contributions of any leader is complementary approach that is proving highlynecessary to nurture their unique talents and foster effective in achieving business goals.continuous growth. However, silent leaders rarely seek In the construction industry, silent leaders possess aout recognition, and they tend to focus on the success unique ability to inspire and guide crew membersof the collective. But that doesnt mean they dont through their quiet strength, thoughtful actions andneed or benefit from positive reinforcement. Its calm demeanor. Yet, on worksites, silent leaders areimportant to bring the focus back on them as an frequently overlooked in favor of individuals withindividual contributor, expressing gratitude and more overt leadership styles.appreciation for their meaningful work and reinforcing the value they bring to your organization. BRIDGING COMMUNICATION GAPSEffectively incentivizing silent leaders will look The adage the squeaky wheel gets the grease oftendifferent than it does for their more vocal counterparts. rings true. While extroverted leaders may naturallyBy nature, they are strategic planners, driven by attract more attention, silent leaderswho are oftenrewards that are tied to performance and results. They more introvertedcan easily go unnoticed. But silentalso appreciate clear metrics that show the impact of leaders are generally more strategic, often listeningtheir work. When silent leaders excel, its a good idea and observing before making decisions or formingto offer opportunities for advancement within the opinions.organization, whether through promotions, monetary And while extroverted leaders may excel atincreases or new challenges and responsibilities. networking, speaking engagements and motivatingProviding clear pathways for career progression teams, silent leaders excel in fostering an inclusivedemonstrates your commitment to their long-term environment where every voice is heard and valued.growth. These qualities can attract and retain diverse talent who value a supportive and empowering work environment.You can further reward silent leaders and optimize their impact by: Both leadership styles can have a positive impact onAsking them to join a committee your organization, for different reasons. But in thisImplementing their ideas article, well focus on silent leaders and how they canAssigning special projects that speak to their help you build a supportive and empowering workinterests environment, so you can attract and retain diverse talent. When given the opportunity, silent leaders can wield (continued to page11) 10'