b'YOUR TOOLKIT FOR BUILDING EXCELLENCEM AY 2 0 2 3Vo l u m e 4N u m b e r 334-37Economic UpdateWhilerecessionisquickly approaching,therearestill actions your business can take to be prepared for the upcomingdownturn.6 NFBA Presidents Message 26-28 Member Highlight: ABC Metal12-13 March Foreman of the Month:29 Save The Date!Kristopher Lund of Georgia-Lina30-31 Inside the Frame: Shawn GearheartCustom Builders14-15 April Foreman of the Month: 34-37 Economic UpdateClifton Cox of Wick Buildings, Inc. 38 Calendar of Events24 Cyber Security: Calendar Invitation PhishingEDITOR EXECUTIVE DIRECTORRACHEL PINKUSMEGAN POPE NFBA HeadquartersRPINKUS@NFBA.ORG MPOPE@NFBA.ORG 7250 Poe Ave. Ste 410 |Dayton, OH 45414Phone: 800.557.6957|Fax: 937.278.0317ADVERTISING SALES ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR www.nfba.orgCARROLL HAMANNROBERT POPECHAMANN@NFBA.ORG BPOPE@NFBA.ORG Disclaimer: The opinions and positions stated in articles published herein are those of the authors and not, by the PUBLICATION DESIGNER MEMBER & SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES fact of publication, necessarily those of NFBA. NFBA does JOE D. WILLIAMS MORGAN ARWOOD notendorsebuildingproductsorsystemsandshallnot JWILLIAMS@NFBA.ORG MARWOOD@NFBA.ORG bedeemedbyanythinghereintohaverecommended theuseornon-useofanyparticularbuildingsystem.PRODUCTION COORDINATOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRSRACHEL PINKUSVALERIE POPE FIND USRPINKUSA@NFBA.ORG VPOPE@NFBA.ORGACCOUNT MANAGERCHRYSTAL BURRISCBURRIS@NFBA.ORG FRAME BUILDER - MAY2023 / 5'