b'Move from retirement saving to retirement incomeRetirement planning should support employees as they face decisions such as:- When to start claiming Social Security benefits.- How inflation and longevity affect retirement security.- Whether they want or need to work part time duringtheir retirement."This is about planning financial security for 20 or 30 years," said Vernon, who contributed to a series of essays on retirement planning for the Society of Actuaries. "They need to know what to expect in retirement and what steps they can take to trigger good decisions about retirement."If they work in a public-facing job, some older workers may be contemplating early retirement because of the health risks from the pandemic. In this case, those employees need to make sure they know and understand the consequences of retiring early. Social Security claiming strategies can show employees the financial effect of receiving payments starting at age 62 instead of waiting until full retirement age or until age 70 to receive maximum benefits. This is also the time for employees to explore the pros and cons of using their plan assets to purchase an annuity for retirement income to supplement Social Security benefits.Finally, there\'s the role of work during retirement to consider: Employers that offer part-time work for older workers can provide information on potential opportunities during retirement planningwww.ohiomasonry.org6'