b'egalDepartment Employment Eligibility ByMRCA Legal Counsel James Whittier, Our country\'s immigrationlawsand must accept any document orcrimination)immigration-related require you, as an employer, to ver combinationofdocumentsthatemployment practices. ify the identity and employment eli reasonablyar on their faceIf youcanshow that youhave appegibility of anyone you hire. This isto begenuine and torelate tocomplied withtheForm above1-9 accomplishedbycompletingandthe person presenting them. If arequirements, you have established retainingEmploymentEligibilityd doesnot appear onitsafaith" defense with respect ocument"good Verification form (Form 1-9) for allface to be genuine or to relate to theto aof knowingly hiring an charge of your employees.person presenting it, do not acceptillegal alien, unless the government I Theformsare avai able atanyit.canprovethatyouhadactual Bureau of Citizenship and Immigra An employer may be subjected toknowledge of the u horized stanauttionServices(BCIS)office.Youcivilpenalties (from$250uptotus of the employee. may downloadtheformfrom the$10,000) for failure to comply withAdditional informationis availAn employer mayBCIS Web site-www.immigration.the above requirements.addition,able from the BCIS - a InHandbook requenbe subjected to civilgov/graphics/services/employer criminalpenaltiesa possible.forEmployers;fre tlyasked uestions,tc. info/oblhome.htm.Further,civilpenaltiesmaybeq e Check with any BCIS penalties (from $250Your new employee must com imposed on an employer who hasoffice or go topreviously menthe plete Section 1Form 1 at theengagedinu r (unlawfuldis- tioned BCISsite. upto$10,000)of-9nfai Web time of hire-when heshe begins or for failure to complyworking.Youmustreviewthe employee\'s documentsandcomwith the aboveplete Section 2 of Form 1-9 within requirements.Inthreebusinessdays ofhiringthe employee.Ifyou hire an employee addition, criminalfor less than three business days, Sections 12F 1 must andoform-9 penalties arebe completed at the timehiring.Fall Protection of possible.F 1-9mustberetainedfor orm three years from theoforProducts datehire, one year after the date the person\'s employmentisterminated, whichever is later. T backofForm1 lists he-9 acceptableidentityandemploymenteligibility documentstobe presented to you forby your review new hire.There are, in fact,three listsofdocuments- List A lists documents that establish b idenoth tity and employment eligibility; List B listsdocumentsthatestablish identity;andListC listsdocuSafety-yellow powder-coated mentsthat establish employment Pre-Engineered eligibility. Quick set-up TheemployeechooseswhichComplete line of Fall Protection original (no photocopies other thanand Roofing Products from: acopy of ar certificate)CatalvstInc. certifiedbi th~Equipment document or documents to present.www.fall-protection-roofing.com You must examine the document(s)Toll free: 1-866-459-9665'