b'HARPUpd ate .,-.-. ._.Safety Awareness t,t ~-.-i .,. ,By JeffSIIAJU Administrative Baum,Manager OnApril 15, 2001, JoshMinxcomprehensivesafetytrain The scenarios portrayed above ing, was operating ajust Ianyand awarded his family $2 million.arefictional, butthedetailsare kettle.ike otherday.ThekettlesuddenlyT companysoonwentoutofsimilar toEach of these hereal cases. flashed,causinga fire tooccur.business.scenariosresultedfroman Josh,thinkingratherquickly,It is suspected that in this caseemployee n observing hisher otor reached for the fire extinguisher,the employee was unable to con ownlim ornotpaying itations which was located near the kettle.trol the piece of equipment. Unfor atten to what they were doing tion He began to spray the fire with thetunately,employeessometimesata particulartime.Weasan fire extinguisher, causing the kettleexaggeratetheircapabilitiesindustrymustpushthe importoexplodeagain.Joshwasregarding the operation of equip tanceofthedan rsinvolved geseverely burned in the incident duement. In ordercorrect this issue,when employees do not pay careto to the fact the fire extinguisher heall roofing companies are stronglyfulattentiontotheir supervisors used was aonly fire extin encouraged to provide angand their owncapabilities. Hwatertraini ow"Any fatal accidentguisher.Aftersufferingsevereprogram for eachtypeof equip ever, anyaccident may have fatal burns over 75 percent of his body,iz may have devastatingment,alongwitha briefqu todevastatingfinancialresultsfor Josh Minx died from the injuries aprovethat the employee actuallythe company involved, especially financial results forfew days later. An inspection fromunderstands h to use theif the company lacks documented owequipOSHAcitedthecompanyformently.C tinued on6 the companysafe on page improperfireextinguishers, involved, especially ifimpropertraining,andlackof emergencynumbers.Thefines \'-\'the company lacksissuedbyOSHAexceededAfor Targeted Tool documented evidence$75,000. JerryFable,a newemployee,Marketing ofsafetywasoper amachine continuousatingtear-off training."near the roof edge on onlythirdIf an insurance adjuster is looking for afing contractor in aic hisroo specifday. When the tear-off machine hecity that does azed roofing system, ClaimsGate is an easy way to specialiwas usingstarted to goover thefind the contractor to do the estimate and often the whole job. Members of edge, Jerry tried to save the piecetheMRCA Business ManagementCommitteereviewedthe ClaimsGate of equipment. While doing so, heservice,immediately recognized its benefit to MRCA membeandrs. slippedandwentover theedgeEssen ClaimsGate is aadvertising opportunity. If you tially,very targeted alongwithittohisdeath. Mr.wish to increase the number of jobs you estimate and/or complete, the Fable\'s family suedthe company$300 annual feefor the basic packageis ainexpensive marketing very he worked for and won $12 mieffort. Addition features are available with the deluxe package for $1000 I al IThe basis of the s tthep year. ion.ui waser fact Jerry was not properly trainedWith its powerful Request for Proposal feature, ClaimsGate will deliver tooperatethe tear-offmach information about aservices tojusters at thect ine.roofing contractor\'sad exaThe foreman had verbally reviewedmoment they need it. ClaimsGate will also help the specialists in the roofthecompany\'ssafetypolicy andingmarket en nce their customer communication throughinha teractive operatingprocedureswithMr.work,informationexchange,filesharing, on-linediscussions,white Fable, b therewasnodocu papers, and newsletter publishing. ut mented evidence to prove exactlyThe MRCA has aagreement withw chcworkingClaimsGate,hi wasrewhattraininginformationtheated by a-profit associations. non called the Property Los Research Bureauemployee had received and if anyThe Property Loss Research Bureau, known w inrty insurance ith the propeofthathadbeenretained.Theindustry as the PLRB,an association ofof the leading property and is900 court concludedthat hewasnotcasualty insu carriers. Infor 53 years, the PLRB provides ranceexistence thoroughly trained in the use of theContinued on6 page equipmentandthathelacked'