b'1 S PRESIDENT WELCOMEGreetings! As president of MRCA,it is my great pleasure to welcome you to Minneapolis for the 44th AnnualMidwest RoofingContractorsAssociationConventionand Trade Show - particularly because Minneapolis is myhometown! It\'s been 15 years since Minneapolis played host to the MRCA Convention, andI think I speak for the entire Twin-Cities area when I say that we are very happy and proud to have this great event return to Minnesota.I think you will find Minneapolis to be a vibrant, progressive city, rich in culture and history.In addition to enjoying the many attractions of the city itself, I am certain ANTHONYthat the Convention and Trade Show willprove to be rewarding and memorable.My wife Nancy SPIGARELLIand I,the MRCABoard of Directors, and the MRCA Staff have been working very hard for over ayear to insure that this convention isthe best one MRCA has ever offered. One look at the convention program shows that the next 3 days will be action-packed!This year\'s convention will feature over 8hours of top-notch educational programs that were designedID:\'.roofing contractors forroofing contractors.Thisis an outstanding opportunity for you to gain valuable information on a wide variety of subjects of interest to the roofing industry including reportson Workers\'Compensation, Asphalt ShingleIssues and Performance TestResults, TotalQuality Management, and aroofingproject profile of the Mall of America.Also featured are a number of industryimpacting technical and researchprograms of the sort that MRCA has built its reputation upon.4 Undoubtedly, the single most attended event of the convention will be theDirectorsandStaff Trade Show - the largest offered in the Midwest.Many thanks to the industry suppliers who have invested a great deal of time and money to bring you the latest materials,equipment, and services available to the roofing contractor.6 RegistrationInformation In addition to a full schedule of programs and trade show exhibits,MRCA has planned some entertaining diversions for you to take advantage of as well.An absolute "don\'t miss" event will be the North Woods of Minnesota7-9 Theme Party, where you can try your hand at catching a live trout in anProgram indoor pond!Also, I invite you to join me at the opening luncheon, where keynote speaker Jerry Seeman will share with you what it is like to be the NFL Director of Officiating.I\'m sure you will find Jerry\'s message to be both10-12 entertaining and inspirational, so make plans to attend. Spouse/GuestProgram Spouses andGuests of convention attendees shouldconsider takingin some of the excellent activities planned for the Spouse/Guest Program, particularly the shopping trip to the Mall of America - the country\'s largest14-15 indoor shopping and entertainment complex.SpecialEvents With all of the above to experience, I am sure you will find the 1993 MRCA Convention and Trade Show clearly is "Climbing to New Heights," and I am14 glad to have the opportunity to show you some realNorthern Hospitality.KeynotePresentation Sincerely, 17-21 ~~- TradeShow Exhibitor Listings AnthonySpigarelli 1993MRCAPresident 22 The OfficialMRCAConvention Show Guide andTradeShow Program is producedby the MidwestRoofingContractorsAssociation.Floor Layout Any questions or comments should be forwarded to MRCAHeadquarters: 4840 West 15th Street, Suite 1000, Lawrence,KS66049-387622 Phone:913-843-4888Fax:913-843-7555Ad Index CovER PHOTOGRAPH couRTESY mTHEM1NNEAP01.1s CONVENTION AND V 1 AssoaATION-s1TORS Show Guide 3'