b'ROOFINGCONTRACTORSagreethecostofthetemporaryroofing, thatthemajorprobleminapplyingremovalofthetemporaryroofing roofingareadverseweathercondi and/ordamagedinsulation,usinga tions,regardlessoftheseason.unitpricebythecostpersquare, Installing a roof during winter monthsrather than the total job. compoundstheproblemandmanyCOLDIt is possible that the temporary roof contractorsliterally"closeupshop".alternate may not be required because However, the current trend is towardsEATHERofweatherconditions,andinthis year-around construction including theR whatevent, the owner will be reimbursed in necessityofcoveringthebuildingOOFING,full by a "change order." The Architect during inclement weather.should have the final word on whether The word "winter" calls to mind coldor not the temporary roof isneeded. and snow, but temperature is not the onlyfactortobeconsidered.Wind,when TemporaryRoofApplicationover humidity,precipitation,cloudsandnailable decks sunny skies also enter the picture. TohowAPPLICATIONSTEPSforthe evaluate more accurately the combinedinstallation of temporary roofing over effectof agiven windvelocity and anailable decks shall be as follows: given temperature, achart called the1.Apply one 43# base sheet, nailing "WindChillIndex"wascalculated.along the top edge and lapping the next (Seeillustration).course4"overthefirst,covering all Roofingcontractorswillfinditstructureduringcoldorinclementnails, and cementing the side and end advantageoustomakeuseofthisweatherortocloseinthebuildinglaps with hot asphalt. "WindChillIndex"todeterminebeforeothertradeshavecompleted2.Mop on a surfacing of 190 degree whetherconditionsaresuitableforwork at the roof level or above, whenasphalt at a rate of 20#per square. roofing installation. The figures to thethedeckisrequiredasaworking rightof thecurvedlineindicatetheplatform.3.Beforethepermanentroofis index readingatwhichtheaverageThe permanent roof is applied at aapplied,repairalldamagetothe exposed fleshwill freeze.laterdatewhenweatherandothermembrane. Windchillfactorsdeterminehowconditions permit.4.Ifrigidinsulationistobe quickly heated bitumen will chill,andBeforeinstallingthepermanentinstalled,apply acoat of asphalt conthe flexibility of the rolled felts. It isBuilt-UpRoof,thetemporaryroofcrete primer atrate of 3/4 gallons per shouldbeinspectedtodeterminea agreedthatuncoatedfeltsaremorewhether it is still in good condition. Itsquare and,whendry,proceedwith flexibleincoldweatherthancoatedmaybepossibletopatchorrepairthe installationof theinsulationaIJd felts,and that roofing asphalt canbeminor damage and use itas apart ofpermanent roof. appliedatalowerambientthe permanent roof. Iftemporary5.Ifnorigidinsulationistobe temperature than roofing pitch.the Lacking ideal weather conditions forroofisinpoorcondition,itwillbeinstalled,applyanewbasefelt,as installing a roof during the winter, thenecessarytoremoveitcompletelyspecified, making sure that the laps do contractor may consider the advisabil before proceeding.notcoincidewiththelapsofthe ity of three different options. (1) He canBecause there are unknown factorstemporary roof, then proceed with the install a temporary built-up roof, whichinvolvedregarding potential damage,permanent roof. is removedat alater datewhen theit is difficult for the roofing contractorSteps over non-nailable decks, [except permanent roof is installed; (2) He cantodetermineexactlyhisfinalcosts.Steel) install astandard built-up roof,whileTherefore,theMidwestRoofing usingeverypossibleprecautiontoContractorsAssociationrecommends1.Primethedeckwithacoatof that contractors protect themselves byconcrete primer atrate of 1 gallon per protecttheinstallation(seeABC\'sa November 1972 issue for Cold Weatherincludingintheirbidformsanysquare. Roofing Tips);or (3)He can "put thepossible alternate added costs such as{Continued on page16) buildingintothedry"fastbyfirst installing a cover over the deck, either a BUR specification or other types ofWIND CHILLINDEX waterproofingmembrane,andlaterTemperatureoF. adding the insulation, a molded closed cellpolystyrene foamboardwhichis+ 30+ 25+ 20+ 15+IO+50- 5-IO-IS- 20-25-30 water and freeze-thaw resistant. Last, aprotectivesurfacingofgravelor10+20+ 14+8+2- 4-21-27-33-39-45-so othermaterialsuchasconcreteor J:- -so promenade slabs, is added to cover thell.15+13+706- 12- 18-25- 31- 38-44-57-63 insulation.~ Since most contractors are relatively~20+9+2- 5-12- 19-25-32-39-45-52-59- 66-72 familiarwiththestandardbuilt-upg roof, and since we previously published.;25+5- 2- 9- 17-24-30-37- 44-51-58-65-72-78 alist of suggestionsonhowtohelp your roofers build a good roof, we will"30+g- 5-12- 20-27- 33-41-48-55- 63-70-77-83 C: ~ analyze only Items no.1 and 3 at the350- 7-14-22-29- 36-44-SJ-58-66-73- 81- 87 present time - the temporary roof and the protected membrane roof.40- l- 9-16-24-31-38-46-53-61-69-76-84-91 The Temporary Roof TEMPORARYROOFING,amini Note:Average exposedfleshwillfreezeif the mummembranecoveringovertheindexreadingis to the right of the curvedline. deck, is usually applied to protect the 9'