b',t~;il . 1 . :t ~~ :: \'~ ::: .N- : .:: .~~: f~\'(;~~: . \'\': ~ . ::Roofing GroupF-. :~ . ;,; -: ,:.=t - }L. ?i.z: :-:. \'.\'.;~ -z:: - :.: - ,; ::\'.~~?~?:;~::::=rr-:-:.::. .:\'-:h::~ ~.~~:- :::::~:~~ r.::~~: ~:::-:_-::"ll~~~:. :: :::,:-:,;:::::-. 1 ~ .::-};:S; - - y , .I 1111. I 1111111111\' 1111- . fr, Ill, - .: - . .r: \'. Convenes in City1:r!: .\'\' . , , ." 111 -. . ,,Iii: :,,rnorr,.- IIf\'" - .,.Story of Swedish AdmiralIs. Told The MidwestRoofingContrac : torsassociation,latestbranchof an industry thathad its beginning 300 years ago when aSwedish admiral got an idea that didn\'t work, convened Friday at the Allishotel. The two day sessionwillinclude luncheon\'s,atourofBoeingAircraft compa.ny and Wichita university, a dinner dance and panel dis cussion. Thesea-faringSwede,Admiral Faxe, didn\'t want to build_ a steeproofedhomewhenheretiredbut underbuildingconditionst h a t existed in 1650 he had to slope his roof to keepthe housedry. He knew,according to Carroll E. Figge,executivesecretaryofthe NationalRoofingContractorsassociation,thatflat-toproofswere.,I. moreeconomicaltobuildsoheROOFERSSEEMODELREFINERY-DonFox,farright,asphaltengineerofDerbyOilappliedanobservationhehadcompany, demonstrates amodel oilwellandrefinery to leaders ofth eMidwestRoofingmade many timesat sea.Contractors association convention.Left to right: CarrollE.Figge,Chicago,executive sec, Shipsarebuildings,AdmiralretaryoftheNationalRoofingContractorsassociation,DonEnoch,conventionchai-./Faxe reasoned.They containmen. man;CarlE.Forpes,presidentof the association,andFox.- ( EagleStaffPhoto.)andcargoand in spite ofthefact that the flat decks are often awash with heavy seas, things below decks staydry. So the admiral built a house with a flat roof, caulked the planks with oakumjustlikethedecksofhis ship and defiedthe elements.He forgotone thing. The constant immersion in watercaused the decks ofa ship to swell and stay watertight.WhenaSwedishdryspell hittheAdmiral\'splanksthey shrank atthe joints andthenext rain ran right down the Admiral\'s neck. The experiment, the first in flat typeroofconstruction,was afailureasfarasAdmiralandMrs. Faxe were concerned but it stimu1lated European builders who solved theAdmiral\'sproblemandmanyothersthatcameuptodevelopa long-life,water-proofroofing. TheMidwestRoofingContractor\'sassociation,accordingtoCarl E.ForbesoftheFederalRoofingandSupplycompany,president ofthe association, was formed in Topeka thisyearas theresultofa ,paneldiscussiontodeterminethewaysin which roofingcontractorscould benefitthemselvesand theircustomers.The first convention ofthe organization was held in Salinain March,1951.I"It is our aim to promote practi- cal pricing, to provide speakers beforegovernment bodies, toprovideinformation on government regulations,toexchangeinformationonbuildingpractices,labor relationsLandworkingconditions,\'\'Forbessaid.Approximately150roofingcontractors are expected to attendtheconvention.Most volcanoes have their origins inmolt.:rockv.hichleaksout'