b'Consider These Four Factors WhenChoosing a New Manager Three Crucial but Underrated Leadership Habits Not everyone is well-suited to manage others. It is crucial companies take the time to choose the right person for the job. Although leadership habits such as humility, authenticity and charisma often are highly valued,Inc. shares the following factors to consider when you are there are underrated habits that can contributechoosing a new manager. significantly to a leaders success.1.Your top performer may not be your top manag-Fast Company shares the following crucial leadershiper. It is common for top performers to be promoted to habits that receive less attention.management positions, but just because someone suc-ceeds in one role does not mean he or she has the qualities of a great manager. Someone with the poten-1.The ability to build a high-performing team. Iftial to manage others should be comfortable leading you cannot turn a group of people into a high- and communicating, able to remain impartial and able performing team, you are not functioning as ato face tough situations. If your top performer does leader. Leadership styles vary based on the team,not have those qualities, do not put him or her in a culture and challenge, so leaders do not need tomanager position. Or, if a top performer wants to follow the same methods to reach the goal ofgrow into a manager role, you will need to allocate having a high-performing team. Systematictime and money to train the individual. evidence suggests the best leaders can flex2.Has the employee managed before? Every manager between different styles, choosing task-relevantwill have a first time. It requires years of experience habits and behaviors from a range of approaches.to reach expertise, so there will be room for improve-2.A strong degree of ambition. Ambition often isment when you choose someone to manage who has associated with its dark side, bringing to mindnever managed. If you are unable to give the role to power-hungry individuals who put their ownan employee with previous managerial experience, it interests ahead of others. However, ambition alsois crucial to provide the appropriate training to the person who has never managed so you can maximize is the fuel that drives progress and propels leadershis or her success. to improve the world. The best leaders not only3.Will the employee be managing former peers? If are ambitious but also can activate humanthe person you want to hire as a manager is currently ambition in others, aligning them with big goalsa part of the team he or she will be managing, it can and vision.create friction as the relationship changes. If the pre-3.Admirable levels of self-control. Leaders whovious manager is being promoted, ask that person to can control themselves and keep their innertalk to the direct reports regarding their feelings and demons and external temptations in checkconcerns about the new possible manager. You may demonstrate the essence of integrity and ethics.decide to move the future manager to a different team, Good leadership happens when those in chargeor you may decide to ease him or her into the role take charge of themselves. If you cannot managewhile taking necessary precautions. yourself, you should not manageWhat training and coaching are you willing to offer the employee? Training is vital for all managers. Their performance greatly affects a companys culture. Perhaps you are willing to provide a coach to guide a new manag-er. Success is more likely if you are proactive in coaching and monitoring the new managers transition. Once some-one has been hired, take extra time to check in and stay involved with the transition process. 14'