b'THE OFFICIAL NFBA MAGAZINENFBA TECHNICAL & RESEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE Timothy R. Royer, P.E.TECHNOLOGY & RESEARCHCHAIRMANI nJanuarytheTechnical&ResearchAnothercoderelatedinitiativeofT&R Committee (T&R) met during the NFBACommittee is the proposed relocation of the Expo in Nashville, TN. The T&R committeereference to the EP486.3 Shallow Post and Pier is made up of engineers, post frame builders,Foundation Design in the IBC.Currently, materialsuppliers,andacademiawhoareIBC references EP486.3 in the wood design involved in the design of post-frame buildingschapter under allowable stress design in Section or involved in research and education supporting2306.We feel strongly that this is the wrong the post-frame building industry.The Committeeplace for a foundation design reference and serves as an advisory committee to the NFBAbuilding code officials have questioned its use Board of Directors relative to technical issuesand application because of this location.A facing the Association and Post-Frame Industry.proposal has been drafted to move this reference Thecommitteeischargedwithoverseeingto Section 1807.3 Embedded posts and poles. and conducting a broad range of technicalThis review takes place in late March 2022 in and research activities for the benefit of thethe form of a hearing at the International Code post frame industry and members of NFBACouncils meeting.If approved, this change The T&R Committee maintains and updateswill take place in the next printing of the IBC.severaldocumentsthatarecriticaltotheRecently, Dr David R Bohnhoff, Ph.D., P.E. has structural design and building code approval ofcompleted a major rewrite of EP559 Design post-frame buildings.One of these documents,Requirements and Engineering Properties for EP486.3 Shallow Post and Pier FoundationMechanically-LaminatedWood(Mechlam) Design (ANSI/ASAE/NFBA EP486.3 SEP2017Assemblies.In this revision of EP559, Dr. (R2021)), has recently been approved with a newBohnhoff has provided much more detail and name that includes the NFBA designation.Whilemore applications for nail laminated wood frame this may seem like a minor change, for the firstassemblies that are used for the design of posts time the National Frame Builders Associationfor post-frame buildings.This version of the will be listed as a reference the appendix ofstandard has been submitted to the American the IBC.Two additional documents, EP484Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers and EP559, are currently under similar name(ASABE) for peer review and approval.The change review and will also be included inrevisedstandardwillbeavailableafterit the IBC when the review process is complete.hasbeenapprovedbyASABEandANSI.12 / FRAME BUILDER - MAY2022'