b'messenger MIDWEST INSULATION CONTRACTORS ASSOCIATION 7250 POE AVE., SUITE 410 - DAYTON, OH 45414 - micainsulation.org VOLUME 58NO.1 JANUARY 2024 WHATS INSIDE THIS MONTH:success. One way we are doing this is by investing in Mike Bartelt & Matt BarteltMICA Young ourselves. We both attend the MICA meetings Professionalsregularly and have found so much value in doing so. Yes, You CanLead!It is one of the best ways to learn and make Presidents Messageconnections within the industry. MICA Leadership/Board of DirectorsIn addition to MICA, we have both taken a 9-month Retirement Plans for Small Businesseslong leadership course. This is something that is out Winter Weather - Working Safely in Coldof our comfort zone, but we have found it very Weather valuable when working with our team. This course Save These Datescovered topics like confidence, delegation, giving/Revamp Your Employee Training Program toreceiving feedback, and accountability. We realize Attract the 2024 Workforcethat it is more important than ever to retain good em-Labor Shortage Will Continue to Affectployees, in this labor market, and learning these Contractors in 2024skills have helped us to do that.If You Were to Die This Week, Do You Know What Would Happen to Your Assets? This industry has been extremely busy the last OSHA Civil Penalty Amountscouple of years and it can be difficult to take time Adjusted for 2024 away from your business to invest in yourself. How to Protect Your Assets However, setting that time aside to do so can prove to be very rewarding.Mike Bartelt & Matt Bartelt Bartelt Insulation Appleton, WIMICA Young ProfessionalsBartelt Insulation is a mechanical insulation contractor that specializes in commercial, industrial, refrigeration, and custom made removable insulation blankets. We are the 4th generation of the Bartelt family celebrating 80 years in business this year. We found that the ability to adapt to change is critical for 1'